

Best Answer

Semitendinosus; Semimembranosus; Biceps Femoris; Gluteus maximus; Gluteus medius; Gluteus minimus; Tensor fasciae latae(TFL); Piriformis; Gemellus superior & inferior; Obturator internus & externus; Quadratus femoris

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Q: What are the synergists for hip extension?
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What is antagonist for hip extension?

hip extensor, gluteus maximus

What are two muscles that are synergists with the biceps femoris muscle?

The semitendinosus and the semimembranosus muscles assist the biceps femoris in the action of flexing the knee joint. The semitendinosus and the semimembranosusmuscles also work together to perform extension of the hip joint.

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What happens when the gluteus maximus contracts?

The purpose of the gluteus maximus is extension, including hyperextension, of the hip.

How can people measure suppleness?

Flexibility is measured by the range of motion. The range of movement is measured by using a goniometer: hip flexion, hip extension, hip adbuction, hip adduction, shoulder adduction, shoulder fexion, shoulder extension, elbow flexion/extension, and knee flexion/extension.mile run

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Synergists help steady movements and fixators help stablize the prime movers origin.

What muscles is the agonist in hip extension?

Hip Extension the agonist would be Glutues Maximus

How do our thighs function?

Flexion, extension, rotation, adduction of the hip, extension and rotation at the knee

how do thighs function?

Flexion, extension, rotation, adduction of the hip, extension and rotation at the knee

What type of movement takes place at the hip if the glutes contract concentrically?

Hip extension

What does rectus femoris do?

Flexion of the Hip and extension of the Knee

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