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Most cardiologist prescribe Aspirin/Disprin as blood thinning pills for Heart patient



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Q: What are the thinning blood pills?
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Is taking 13 aspirin pills at once bad?

Yes that could potentially kill you. Thinning your blood that much is really really bad.

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Is blood thinning good?

It depends on the situation.

Is vicodin a blood thinning medication?

No, it is an analgesic painkiller.

What are the drug interactions associated with bromelain?

Not to be combined with other blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin, heparin or aspirin or other blood-thinning herbs such as garlic or gingko biloba.

Why do birth control pills increase blood pressure and clotting?

Birth control pills contain progesterone, the female regulatory hormone, which has an effect of body chemistry, particularly fat and water retention and the thinning of arteries. An increase in any of these will lead to higher blood pressure. Higher blood pressure can eventually lead to blood clots, especially if one has a high-cholesterol diet. That is why people who use birth control pills should have regular contact with a physician, exercise, and maitain a well-balanced diety and healthy lifestyle.

What are the risks of using vinegar?

Caustic burns , and blood thinning.

Is vitamine E blood thinning?

Yes, large doses of Vitamin E can lead to the thinning of the blood and result in your blood not clotting properly. The Recommended Daily Allowance for Vitamin E is about 20 International Units (IU) per day.

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breast enhancement pills incense blood fate

Is Warfarin a Blood Thinning Drug?

That is correct, warfarin is a blood thinning drug, which means that it makes the blood less likely to clot. It is also sold under the name coumadin. People who are at risk of a heart attack or stroke may need to take this drug.

What can you eat to stop blood from thickening whilst on warfarin?

besides warfarin, alcohol also has the effect of thinning blood. Putting leaches on also has the same effect. However If blood thinning agents are required this should be overseen by a properly qualified person such as a doctor.

What are side effects of men's sex enhancing drugs?

Blood pressure swings, blood thinning, headachs & priaprisms