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Well, there is black carbon (soot), sulfates, and CFCs. Hope this helps.

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Q: What are the three types of aerosols in Earth's atmosphere that are measured by NASA researchers?
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Explain how aerosols are formed in earths atmosphere?

Typically, aerosols contain particles which disperse and start to float towards the sky due to their light weight. Harmful particles like CFCs can end up damaging the ozone layer.

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The earth's atmosphere comprises a volume of gases and that cannot be measured in square miles.

What causes the pressure of the atmosphere?

Atmospheric pressure is caused by the force of the air above the earths surface. It is measured by the point in which the air meets the atmosphere.

What is the term for gas is produced by aerosols and manufacturing that destroy the earths ozone layer?

The chemical compound used in aerosols that are thought to be harmful to the Ozone are known as Chlorofluorocarbon or "CFCs" for short.

What is the term for gas produced by aerosols and manufacturing that destroy the earths ozone layer?

The chemical compound used in aerosols that are thought to be harmful to the Ozone are known as Chlorofluorocarbon or "CFCs" for short.

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What is the particles outside earths atmosphere?

The particles outside the Earths atmosphere are called, meteoroids.

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Thermosphere, it is also the atmosphere with the highest temperatures.

What do we call pieces of stone the enter the earths atmosphere?

Meteoritesis what we call stones that enter the earths atmosphere.

Would you find nitrogen in the earths atmosphere?

Yes, 80% of the Earths atmosphere is made up of nitrogen.