

Best Answer

1. In case of emergencies.

2. Locator so you can be found.

3. Schoolwork research.

4. Instant communication with family.

5. Calculator.

6. Taking notes.

7. Typing assignments.

8. Swapping assignments.

9. Translator.

10. YouTube how to videos.

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11y ago
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8y ago

There are NO reasons for allowing phones in school ! If a parent needs to contact their child in an emergency - they can call the school.... If a pupil takes ill - the school will have a contact number for the parent or guardian ! Allowing kids to take their phones into school - leaves them vulnerable to bullying or victimisation.

Second opinion...

Sometimes the kids need phones in school, because not all schools are good about contacting parents. They try to cover situations, like bullying, if they already have a bad reputation for it. My daughter was punched in the throat by a school bully, and she was not allowed to contact me, even when she was in the nurse's office having difficulty breathing. They told her it needed to be dealt with "in-house" without parental involvement. If she hadn't been able to go in the bathroom and sneak me a text, I wouldn't have known she had been assaulted and injured until hours later. Most teachers do their jobs, and they do them well. However, things aren't like they used to be. There are a lot of politics in the modern school, and as much as you hope admin will involve you as a parent, there is always a chance that you can't trust them to do what they should. Also, the phones are just helpful if your child needs to stay after to make up a test, practice runs over, or they want to text you from lunch to bring a friend home.

  1. Safety to and from the school
  2. Medical conditions
  3. Line of contact to parents when child has been cut off from communication
  4. Protection from teachers themselves. Most teachers are great, but we've seen the news. Inappropriate things can happen.
  5. Convenience
  6. Some teachers encourage kids to download specific educational apps for use with projects
  7. Sometimes students are allowed to use their phone to access Google for resources
  8. Getting rides home from practice or events
  9. Protection from bullying
  10. Texts to parents during lunchtime for a variety of reasons
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Q: What are the top 10 reasons cell phones should be allowed in school?
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Should kids be allowed to have cell phones in school?

yes they should for emergiencies

Why cell phones should be allowed in school?

because teachers dont want you to txt on them in school

Should students be allowed mobile phones school?

no it should not be allowed in schools

Should cell phones be allowed in school on?

Phones can be used as a calculator and they can be useful for emergency calls. However, they can be distracting in lessons so they should not be allowed out in lessons, just in bags.

Why Phones should not be allowed in school because it can use as a cheating device?

shut the **** up *****

Should pagers and cell phones be allowed in school?

i think that pagers and cell phones should be allowed in school because if u need to be picked up and you don't have one how will u get a hold of them? also if you're getting bullied u can call for help.and you can call your parents if you need

How can cell phones be used in school?

Anything can be stolen at school. Cell phones can be stolen at school, but it is against school rules and the law, so even though it isn't allowed, it can happen.

Who agrees that cell phones should be allowed in school?

I do. Kids do. Little Billy down the street does.

Should cell phones be allowed in school cons?

No, because they are a distraction and may encourage cheating.