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They are made of stained or painted wood

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Q: What are the tuners made of on a violin?
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Related questions

What holds the strings on the violin?

Violin case- stores the violin for travel violin stand- displays a violin

How do you correct the pitch of new violin?

You correct the pitch by either turning the pegs on the top of the violin or by turning the fine tuners near the bottom of the violin.

What do you attach string to on a violin?

around the pegs ( on the inside) over the bridge and down a little hole near the fine tuners and then around the fine tuners

What is the difference between tuners and exotics?

exoctics are made for speed and tuners are made for show and are easer to handel

What is bamboo violin?

It's a violin that is made of a bamboo. :)

Who discovered the violin?

People MADE the violin. The violin did not just appear in nature.

When was the violin first made?

The oldest surviving violin was built in 1564 by Andrea Amati, in Cremona.

What are some famous brands of guitar tuners?

There are many brands of guitar tuners to chose from. One of the best and most famous brands of guitar tuners comes from Fender. Another great brand of guitar tuner is made by Les Paul.

How has the construction of the ukulele changed since it was invented?

It really hasn't changed that much. From solid wood, many instruments are now made partially in laminants. Peg tuners became friction tuners and now many use geared tuners. And the strings are typically made of polycarbonates rather than gut.

Why was by the lake written for violin?

I play the violin and maybe it was made for violin because the author wanted it to be.

How is the violin constructed?

the violin is constructed by a series of step and it is made out of wood.

What is the history of the violin and what was it used for?

iraq made the first violin in the world.