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WikiAnswers Writing Editor - Character ToolsThough the font is the same for all questions, there are some tools available in the editor to change the qualities of the font. From left to right, they are:
  • Ff is Size - Normal size is used for the answer itself and Heading 1 or Heading 2 is used to add headings to answers.
  • B is Bold - Bold characters can be used to add emphasis to important words and phrases.
  • I is Italic - Italic characters can also be used to add emphasis to important words and phrases.

Please Note that use of bold and italic for entire answers is discouraged.

  • S is Strikethrough - Use of strikethrough characters is discouraged. Though there could be times when use of strikethrough might be appropriate, in almost all cases, removing what would be struck through is a better choice.
  • x2 is Subscript - Subscript can be used for referencing and is invaluable in certain math answers.
  • x2 is Superscript - Superscript can also be used for referencing and in math answers. For example, to write squares of numbers, like 52.

Tip: If you haven't used subscript and superscript before, it can be a little tricky. To use it, type what you want to make a sub- or superscript and highlight it. Click on x2 or x2 in the toolbar. If what you type after that stays in the smaller type, highlight it, click on Ff and then click on normal.

Other tools moving from left to right:

  • Bullets (beside superscript to the right) - Bullets can be used when making lists.
  • Numbers (to the right of bullets) - Numbers can also be used when making lists.

Advice for getting spacing right - When using Bullets or Numbers, when starting a new one, leave the cursor at the end of the completed line and hit "enter" on your keyboard, then click on the bullet or number tool (whichever one you are using) twice. The spacing will be perfect!

  • Justify Left - The text appears as it does in a book, starting every line on the left of the page. Justify Left is the default style and should be used in almost all questions.
  • Justify Center - Each line is centered on the page. Use of Justify Center is discouraged for almost all answers.
  • Outdent - Outdent moves the line of font to the left.
  • Indent - Indent moves the line of font to the right.
  • Backwards Arrow - The backwards arrow removes the last edit.
  • Forwards Arrow - Puts what is removed with the backwards arrow back.
  • Horizontal Line - Horizontal Line makes a horizontal line across the page. Horizontal lines should be used sparingly.
  • Insert Block of Quoted Text - This tool should also be used sparingly and only when the quoted text is short and needed to make the answer clearer or more readable.
  • Remove Format - Remove format should be used with caution. It's disappointing when you've taken time to format the answer and then all is lost because this tool was used.
  • Spell Check - Use of Spell Check is encouraged before posting an answer.
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Q: What are the types of characters you can use with the WikiAnswers editing toolbar?
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