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Spider's use to humans is limited, but there are many creatures on Earth whose lives are not of immediate benefit to humanity. One could also ask 'what use are humans?'!! Nevertheless, Spiders can perform three functions which benefit us. Most importantly. they catch flies which might spread disease to people. The microbes carried by flies are harmless to spiders, but can lead to illness or infection in humans. Secondly, big bird-eating spiders in South America are used as food by the native Indians of the rainforest. After spearing the spider painlessly, they remove it's round abdomen and then roast the remaining body over a campfire. A third use that some spiders have been put to, is for their webs to be spun into silk. Silk spiders live in the island of Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa- they are so named because the webs they weave are of exceptional quality, being both strong and beautifully soft. Madagascan craftspeople collect these webs from the trees and telegraph poles, and spin them into silken thread to make garments. In the days when Madagascar was a British colony, there was even an attempt to establish a large-scale spider-silk industry!!

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8y ago
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11y ago

Spiders use their silk to make webs or other structures, which function as nets to catch other animals, or as nests or cocoons for protection for their offspring. They can also suspend themselves using their silk.

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10y ago

There are many uses, one main reason for spider webs are for capturing prey.

As far as human uses, pound for pound, spider silk has a higher tensile strength than steel and Kevlar, and stretches to about 40% its length before breaking. About a decade ago, a Canadian inventor built a bear-proof suit using spider silk. The Dutch have made a human skik analog using genetically altered goats that produce spider silk proteins in their milk; it seems to have the added advantage of being mildly bullet proof.

It has been suggested that an artificial form of spider silk might be sufficiently strong to make possible "Beanstalks," LaGrange point space elevators that are permanently anchored to the ground with satellites in geosychronous orbits. Such stations would make travel to and from orbit much easier and revolutionize microgravity industry and tourism.

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12y ago

they eat all bugs such as mosquito's, fly's and roaches and more that can interrupt you and annoy you

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13y ago

Spiders are useful for the following and more:

-bandages-decreasing insect population

-surgical stitching

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12y ago

Spiders use sticky silk produced from their abdomen to spin their webs

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Q: What are uses of spider web and spider silk?
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What is the web made of?

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What spider can spin a web five times stronger than steel?

Any web-spinning spider can do it, it is a property of spider silk. When it is said that spider silk is stronger than steel, this does not mean the webs themselves as is. It means that if you had enough spider silk to weave into the same thickness as a steel cable, the spider silk would have a tensile strength five times greater.

Can you make things from spider silk?

Yes. A web.

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About 3,090,000 results (0.80 seconds) Image result for how do spiders make webs Instead of boards, spiders produce silk threads to build their webs. The silk is produced in silk glands with the help of the spider's spinnerets. Spinnerets are special organs that allow the spider to decide what type of thread it needs for the web. ... When a spider begins a web, it releases a silk thread.

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World Wide Web.

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The spider ingests the matierial for later reuse.

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it makes it through its body similar to how a spider makes the stuff for its web

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