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Confiar y creer.

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Q: What are the words 'trust and believe' when translated from English to Spanish?
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What is the phrase 'i trust you' when translated from English to Spanish?

Confio en ti.

What is 'in God we trust' when translated from English to Italian?

"In God we trust!" in English is Abbiamo fede in Dio! in Italian.

What is 'Trust me I love you' when translated from English to Italian?

Credi in me! Ti amo! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Trust me! I love you!" The declarative/exclamatory statements translate literally as "Believe in me! I do love you!" in English. The pronunciation will be "KREY-deen mey tee A-mo" in Italian.

How do you write blessed trust and believe in Spanish?

Bendito, confiar y creer/Blessed,Trust & Believed.

What is 'loyalty and trust then respect' when translated from English to Italian?

Lealtà e fiducia, poi rispetto is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "loyalty and trust, then respect." The adverb poi also may be translated into English as "later," "later on." The pronunciation will be "LEY-al-TA ey fee-DOO-tcha poy ree-SPET-to" in Italian.

What is 'hope faith and love' when translated from English to Italian?

Speranza, fede (religious belief), fiducia (trust) e amore.

What is the meaning of shin atami?

Shin atami is Japanese and literally means believe or trust hot ocean in English. Shin translates to believe or trust; Atami translates to hot ocean.

What is 'I have some' when translated from English to Italian?

The direct translation for 'i have some' is Ho alcune. There can be variations of course. Don't always trust online translators.

What is 'Never believe anyone' when translated from English to Italian?

Non credere mai a nessuno. (nohn CRED-er-eh maigh ah nes-soon-oh)

What is 'trust fund' in Spanish?

"Fondo de fideicomiso" is "trust fund" in Spanish.

French word for trust and relationship?

trust is translated 'confiance' and relationship is translated 'relation' in French. 'relation de confiance' is a standard phrase used when you feel that bond of trust in a relationship.

What is 'Trust God' when translated from English to Italian?

Abbi fede in Dio! in the singular and Abbiate fedein Dio! in the plural are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Trust God!" The two above-mentioned examples also may be translated into English as "Have faith in God." The respective pronunciations will be "AB-bee FEY-dey een DEE-o" for the singular "you" and "AB-bya FEY-dey een DEE-o" for the plural "you all" in Italian.