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Actually, Galileo did not invented the telescope. But he did build his own, improved telescope. His was the 1st telescope strong enough to actually view the planets and stars in space.

The first telescope (called a spy glass) used one convex lens and one concave lens. Galileo perfected it by using two convex lenses.

Galileo also invented the Geometric compass which was use for calculations and for measurements

The pendulum clock was another invention Galileo worked on but it was invented by Christian Huggens

im not sure but i also think he invented the thermometer and barometer but u should search for it

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12y ago
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12y ago

All about Galileo invetion and what he discovered etc..)Galileo invented many mechanical devices other than the pump, such as the hydrostatic balance. But perhaps his most famous invention was the telescope. Galileo made his first telescope in 1609, modeled after telescopes produced in other parts of Europe that could magnify objects three times. He created a telescope later that same year that could magnify objects twenty times. With this telescope, he was able to look at the moon, discover the four satellites of Jupiter, observe a supernova, verify the phases of Venus, and discover sunspots. His discoveries proved the Copernican system which states that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun. Prior to the Copernican system, it was held that the universe was geocentric, meaning the sun revolved around the earth

His best invention was a telescope.

He used telescope and discovered the moon has the lake and the mountain.

(More about Galileo is in the : The Galileo Project.) Thank you.

Galileo did NOT invent the telescope...dummy...he PERFECTED IT!

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12y ago

he was famous for 3? i know he was famous for inventing the telescope but that's the only one i know of.

That is wrong.

Galileo is famous for having invented the thermomenter, a hydrostatic balance (a device that weighed things accurately in either air or water) and a revolutionary water pump.

Galileo also discovered many things, such as the fact that you could use the telescope to observe the skies. He did NOT, however, INVENT the telescope. He made adjustments to it so that it became more powerful and he could use it to see things in the skies better, since they are so far away. He also came up with the theory that it is the Sun which is in the middle of the Solar System, not the Earth. Before that, everyone thought that everything revolved around the Earth. For having published this theory after an accuse of heresy, he was put under house arrest for life by the church. The church didn't like what Galileo was saying because it went against the church's teachings. In the church's teachings, it is eveything that revolves around Earth because God created man to lead the universe, so it's right that man should be in the middle of it all to act as a leader.

Galileo also discovered that the speed at which bodies fall doesn't depend on their weight. He discovered the rings on Saturn using his enhanced telescope.

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15y ago

Gallileo invented the Mercury thermometer and the 10 and 32 power telescope. was 5 foot long

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13y ago

the telescope, the law of falling bodies, and inventing a horse powered pump to raise water

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