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Reduce, re-use and recycle in that order of importance. Reduce consumption of the resource through better efficiency, lifestyle changes or by consuming renewable alternatives. Reduction has the greatest impact on conservation. Re-use the resource as much as possible before recycling. While recycling is better than discarding, it is the least efficient way of conserving a resource.

Abundant resources such as aluminum have a huge impact on other non-renewable resources like coal or natural gas because of the energy they require to extract. While re-use is often not possible, like in soda cans, recycling is far more valuable over disposal.

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Q: What are three ways to conserve nonrenewable resources?
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Helps conserve nonrenewable resources?

Coal, oil and natural gas are used to generate electricity or to power engines. Other non-renewable resources are used for well known things, for example: Gold. Used to make rings, used in computers. Stone. Used for building. Iron ore. Used to make steel and iron. Uranium. Used to power nuclear plants. Bauxite. Used to make aluminum.

What are the ways to conserve human resources?

by optimum utilisation of resources

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ocean sea and river

How can i describe how you can use the three rs to conserve resources?

The three Rs - Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle - are strategies that can be used to conserve resources. Reduce means consuming less and minimizing waste by using fewer resources in the first place. Reuse involves finding ways to use items again instead of throwing them away. And finally, recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new products. By applying these principles, we can effectively conserve resources and reduce our overall environmental impact.

What are two ways people can conserve resources?

By using the resource less and letting it regenerate.Also letting it being able to conserve more energy that is if it is a energy resource

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Find and use renewable resources like solar, wind, hydro and others.

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raw, resource

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