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Cold land

moderate land

hot land

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They are climate zones.

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Q: What are tierra fria tierra templada and tierra caliente?
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Describe the three vertical climate zones of Latin America?

Tierra Templada Tierra Fria Tierra Caliente

What are the five zones of the Andes Mountains that start with terra?

There are only four that I know of and they are: TIERRA CALIENTE TIERRA TEMPLADA TIERRA FRIA TIERRA HELADA

What kind of climate is tierra caliente and tierra fria in?

Tierra Caliente is HOT. And Tierra Fria is cold.

What three altitude zones would you go through if you crossed Mexico's mountains?

You would cross over tierra caliente, tierra templada and, tierra fria.

Do most Mexico's population live in the tierra fria or tierra templada?

most people live in the tierra templada

Mexico's mountain ranges create three what?

Three temperature zones:Tierra caliente (warm land)Tierra templada (temperate land)Tierra fria (cold land)

What is the highest elevation zone in the Andes mountains?

I'm not really sure if this is what you meant but, it's something...^-^ +Tierra Caliente: 0-3,000ft +Tierra Templada: 3,000-6.000ft +Tierra Fria: 6,000-12,000ft +Tierra Helada: 12,000-15,000ft (in order from bottom of mountain to top of mountain XP)

Is the tierra templada environmental zone is situated at a higher elevation than the tierra fría zone?

No. "tierra templada" is Spanish for "temperate land" while "tierra fria" is Spanish for "cold land". Higher elevations would be tierra fria zones.

What are the five vertical climate zones of Latin America?

'''The Five Vertical Climate Zones''' ''Tierra Caliente-'' Which in Spanish means Warm/Hot Land; around sea level land ''Tierra Templada''-Which in Spanish means Temperate Land; Where the tree line is ''Tierra Fria-'' Which in Spanish means Cold Land; Where Ice Cap line starts ''Puna-'' This is land at the altitude where air starts thinning out making it harder to breath ''Tierra Helada-'' In Spanish this means Freezing Land which is very high elevation like near the top of mountains

Which altitude zone ranges from 2500 to 6500 feet (760 to 2000 meters)?

Tierra templada and Tierra fria.

What is the altitude zone of Mexico' s coastal lowlands?

The top one is Tierra fria (cold land) which is 6,500 feet (2000 m) it grows potatoes, wheat, and applesThe next one is Tierra templada (temperate land) which is 2,500 feet (760 m) it grows coffee, corn, citrus fruitsThe farthest one down is Tierra caliente (warm land) which is 0 feet (0 m) grows bananas, cocoa, sugarcane, rice

What is the tierra Fria mean in English?

tierra fria = cold land