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Respect your elders, be responsible, listen to your elders.

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Q: What are traditional filipino values?
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Define filipino values?

Filipino people have very traditional values. They are focused on community involvement and being loyal to one's friends and family.

Summary of filipino values?

The Filipino people are very traditional and religious. The values of the people revolve around honoring themselves, their families, their culture, and their country.

What are some traditional values of filipino today?

Some traditional values of Filipino culture today include respect for elders, close family ties, and hospitality towards guests. These values continue to be emphasized and practiced in many Filipino households and communities, reflecting the importance placed on relationships and community in Filipino society.

What is a traditional filipino communities?

traditional filipino communities

What are the Filipino values do not exist or practice anymore?

There are no specific Filipino values that do not exist or practice anymore. It is important to note that cultural values can evolve and change over time, but it does not mean that they completely disappear. However, globalization and modernization may have influenced less emphasis on traditional Filipino values in some communities.

What are the moral values of Filipino's?

what is the real moral values of the filipino?

What filipino values does the poem the return by edit tiempo have?

"The Return" by Edith L. Tiempo mentions several Filipino values such as hospitality, respect for elders, and the importance of family ties. The poem also reflects on traditional customs and the sense of community that is deeply ingrained in Filipino culture.

Enumerate the filipino values and ethics?

The Filipino values and ethics are traditional. There is a great focus on honesty, fair treatment of all people, family, and the well being of the community. The people believe in strong family bonds, commitment , and gratitude.

What are the Filipino personality and values?

Filipino personality and values are hospitality, kind and thoughtful.

What does filipino moral values means?

Moral values refer to any person or group's personal or cultural beliefs and values. "Filipino moral values" implies those values of the Filipino people and culture.

Advantages and disadvantages of filipino values?

A lot of them are traditional which helps them to fall into the familiar. Sometimes it will hold people back from modernizing.

Characteristics of a Filipino family?

filipino values