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There are many, in South America for example both Paraguay & Bolivia do not border the ocean.

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I can think of lots:


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Mongolia and Vatican City

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Q: What are Two countries that do not have an ocean on any of their boundaries?
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Yes: Mid-Ocean Ridges and Rift Valleys

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There are a lot of countries that do not touch any ocean. I'm guessing Mongolia, a few countries in Africa such as Chad and Sudan, Austria and Slovakia (in Europe).

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Antarctica is a continent of approximately 14,000,000 sq km. It is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. It does not have any neighbouring countries.

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Volcanoes typically occur at two different types of plate boundaries. These two plate boundaries are: the diverging plate boundary where plates separate, and the converging plate boundaries where one plate is beneath another one at subduction zones.

Are there any regulations that are recognized globally?

Yes, there are international laws that most countries have agreed to, for example, national and international water boundaries.

What countries are landlocked in Asia?

take an atlas, look at all the countries in Asia that don't touch any ocean. those ones

How does landlock impact a country?

A landlocked countryn has no boundaries or body of water that gives it access to an ocean. It has no immediate access to international shipping. Any commerce with other countries therefore has to be by air or by land transportation through neighboring countries. All products going in and out of a landlocked nation is therfore subject to higher transportation costs by plane or is subject to tarrifs, taxes, rules ad regulations of neighboring countries.

Which two countries landlocked countries in south America?

Landlocked countries do not have any coast on an ocean or sea.The two countries in South America that are landlocked are Bolivia and Paraguay:Bolivia is surrounded by Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Chile.Paraguay is surrounded by Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina.Paraguay and Bolivia.Bolivia is the only land-locked country in South America. Peru and Chile block Bolivia from the South Pacific Ocean. Bolivia is named after Simon Bolívar, a leader in the Spanish American wars of independence.

Worlds biggest ocean what country is it in?

It is not "in" any country; it is much larger than any country, and it borders several countries.