

What are types of animals that lay eggs?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Animals that lay eggs are categorized as oviparousanimals.

Many reptiles, birds, fish and almost all amphibians lay eggs, as well as many arthropods. There are also two mammals which lay eggs, the answer is monotremes. The only known monotremes are the platypus, the short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna.

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What are the type of animals that lay eggs?

Animals that lay eggs are called Oviparous animals. These type of animals have no specific class as mammals as well as types of fishes and birds can produce eggs.

How many animals lay eggs?

Many different types of animals lay eggs. It is not possible to list them all. Insects, most fish, amphibians, birds, and reptiles all lay eggs, as do many others. Some mammals - namely the platypus and the echidna - also lay eggs.

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hi it depends on if you mean types of breeds or species

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Animals that lay eggs, that have little or no other development within the mother are known as Oviparous animals. Types of animals that lay eggs are birds, reptiles, insects, fish, monotremes and molluscs.

What types of snakes lay eggs?

all snakes lay eggs

What is the word for animals laying eggs?

Oviparous animals lay eggs.

Which animals lays their eggs in water?

Amphibians lay their eggs in water usually. Newts do if you are looking for a specific animal.Fish also lay their eggs in the water.The animals that lay their eggs underwater are:frogsturtlesfishduckbill platypuslobstersbeetleseel

Animals who lays only one egg and animals who lay many eggs?

Well, some types of birds lay one egg. But there are many animals that lay more than one! Like snakes and lizards and, mostly, sea turtles. They can lay up to I think 200 or so eggs. I am not quite sure but I am pretty sure.

Do bees lay eggs in animals?

No. Bees live in hives. They lay their eggs in the hive.

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Do giraffe lay eggs or carry them in there body?

Giraffes are mammilian animals and therefore do not lay eggs.

What animals lay green eggs?

And ham.