

What are types of electronic communication?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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printer, fax, scanner , telephone, email etc

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Q: What are types of electronic communication?
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What are two types OS electronic communication media?

if you know the answer plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! physical and air are the two mediums of electronics and communication

Should electronic communication in the classroom differ from electronic communication outside the room?

Yes. There should be no electronic communication in the classroom.

Meaning of electronic communication?

Electronic communication refers to communication that is sent via the Internet. Email and voice over IP calls are all considered electronic communication.

What are the various type of channe lin communication?

The various types of communication channels include face-face communication, electronic media, broadcast media, brochures, telephone conversations, and many others.

What is the different media of communication?

manuscripts, different types of reports, letters, memos, presentations(oral), discussions, speeches, interviews and different electronic or non-electronic visuals

Are Electronic communication always asynchronous communications true or false?

Electronic communication is always asynchronous communication

When was Research Institute of Electronic Communication created?

Research Institute of Electronic Communication was created in 1935.

What are non electronic methods of communication?

Non electronic methods of communication are ways of communicating through non-electronic sources such as letters, reports, memorandums, etc. Before the invention of electricity, Communication was slow and difficult. Some messages took days, weeks and even months to arrive to its destination. It was also not as affective and less people were able to receive these messages at once.

Why do you choose electronic and communication engineering?

im interested in finding out how it works. and for me there's nothing more creative than electronic and communication engineering. and i believe that electronic and communication engineering has boost to my life.

Disadvantages of electronic communication?

One disadvantage to electronic communication is the fact that you can misinterpret what someone is saying. This will affect the direction of the conversation.

Methods of electronic communication?

There are many forms of electronic communication (also known as mediated communication.) One of the most popular forms of electronic communication is text messaging. Text messaging involves sending short, broken sentences (and sometimes just acronyms and emoticons) that are normally less than 160 characters, by cell phone. Another popular form of electronic communication is email, which is a more formal way of sending messages to others. This form of communication is more popular is school, business and even with family. It can range in form from a formal letter to a few quick phrases to just a picture. One of the oldest forms of electronic communication is the telephone. Not a lot of people consider the telephone electronic but it still uses electricity to change our voice into electronic signals from one device to another. A few more types of electronic communications involve the world wide web and internet; like blogging, skyping, chatting and etc.