

What are typhoons caused by?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Typhoons are created over seas that are twenty-seven degrees or above. The rising currents of warm, moist air cool and condensation occurs. The rising air sucks in more of the warm, moist air above the sea's surface and massive clouds form causing alot of rain. Then it causes strong winds up to 270 kph to circle and spiral as it rises above the low pressure. The centre of the typhoon, the 'eye' is cloudless and calm and is where the air descends. Typhoons can travel 20 kph and can be 300 km from one side to the other. This brings feirce winds and pounding rain and huge waves to places along the coast. Though, they eventually die as they move over land because their fuel which is the warm air above the sea is gone and they dissapear-well sort of.

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