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A prion is a small infectious particle that contains a protein. These contain no DNA or RNA. These cause Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Scrapie in sheep and Kuru. These are deadly and progressive nerve wasting diseases.

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Q: What are viruses without a nucleus called?
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What do you call an organism with nucleus?

They are called eukariyotic.Cells without nucleus called prokariyotic.

What is an organism with no nucleus?

An unicellular organism is an organism that does not have a nucleus. Two types of these organism is bacteria and archaea.

Cell laking a nucleus?

a cell that does not contain a nucleus is called a prokaryotic cell, so an organism without a nucleus is called a prokaryote

Is it true that the only way in which viruses are like organisms is that they have a nucleus?

Since viruses are not living, they do not have any organelles like a nucleus. They do have RNA or DNA but neither is in a nucleus.

Do bacteria and virous have a nucleus?

Both bacteria and viruses are prokaryotic, which means they do not contain a nucleus. Both viruses and bacterium are not cells.

What are cells that contains a nucleus called?

Cells with a nucleus are known as eukaryotes. Cells without nulcei are called prokaryotes.

What are cells with and without a nucleus called?

A eukaryote cell where the nucleus has been removed is termed enucleated. Cells which do not normally have a nucleus are prokaryotes.

Cell without nucleus?

These cells are called prokaryotic.

What is a micro organism without a nucleus called?


What sort of things have eukaryotic cells?

A eukaryotic cell has a nucleus and membraned organells, so pretty much everything besides bactirea and viruses are eukaryotic (ones without nucleus are prokaryotic

What doesn't the viruses have?

the viruses doesn't have is no nucleus, cytoplasm,organelles, or cell membrane.

Bacteria and viruses do not have a nucleus what helps them reproduce?

Bacteria are prokaryotic type of organisms. They reproduce by binary fission. In place of nucleus, they have a single DNA molecule called nucleoid. Viruses are living only inside a cell. They divide by producing multiple copies of their DNA.