

What are wolf worms?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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Earthworms and leeches.

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Richard Grimes

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2y ago
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15y ago

Wolf Worm: This fat parasite is the larvae of the bot fly and will eventually hatch into an adult bot fly if not removed. Wolf worms are commonly picked up around rabbit burrows as the rabbit is one of their favorite hosts. Most pets are curious about rabbits or are even trained to hunt them, so they may stick their head into the burrow. This is why most wolf worms are found in the neck and head area. Unfortunately, this is why wolf worms can be so dangerous. Wolf worms can actually end up burrowing into the brain or some other vital organ. Many pets will need to be sedated for your veterinarian to properly remove the worm. Improper removal can result in damaging the worm which can lead to anaphylactic shock. Wolf worms come from bot flies. They deposit an egg in animals fur, and when it hatches, it burrows into the skin.

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12y ago

They are niether, they are a type of invertebrae.

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How do pets get wolf worms

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What causes wolf worms?

Wolf worms are laid by adult flies on an animals wounds. When the wolf worms hatch, they burrow there way into the animals body.

How can you tell your pet wolf has worms?

If you suspect that your wolf has worms, take it to the vet immediately.

How do you get rid of a wolf worm in kitten?

You can get a wolf worm out of your pet by taking some over the counter hemoroid cream (like preperation H) and smear a glob on and in the wolf worm hole. This will cause the wolf worm to come crawling out of the lesion. You probably should try and clean and disenfect the sore as well as you can after the wolf worm comes out.

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Do humans get wolf worms?

Oh yes, humans get worms fro eating in cooked meat. Worms inside you eat all the nutrients you SHOULD be getting from the food you eat. I still hear stories about when my uncle had worms...he says they were horrible and if not treated RIGHT AWAY can be dangerous to your health

Can a human get wolf-worms?

Many parasites, such as various types of worms, are highly opportunistic, meaning they will infect any warm body they can get into. I have never heard of "wolf worms," so cannot tell you for certain if, like tapeworms and roundworms, these can also infect people.

Can bluebirds get wolf worms?

Yes! Wolf worms is a common ailment among bluebirds that is primarily transmitted by unprotected inter-species sex acts. Since 1972 incidence of wolf worms in blue birds has spiked dramatically after the Supreme Court overturned the "Defense of Decency Act" in a 5-4 decision. If you are worried that your bluebird has wolf worms you can check by applying the adhesive side of a piece of scotch tape to its cloaca. If the bird appears to enjoy the act it is likely a deviant and has engaged in inter-species sex acts. Wolf worms is fatal to bluebirds, so a true friend would put the bird out of its misery by twisting it's head off, duct taping it back on, and selling it to a blind kid.

Where is the bait for the fishing rod in Legend of Zelda?

If you knock down bee hives then you can walk up to them and scoop up some larva. Sometimes you can find worms. In the lure fishing place you can find worms. The worms are behind a small sign. You will see small brown spots in the dirt. Turn into your wolf and dig on them. worms should start squirming around. turn back into Link and scoop them up with your bottle. also in hyrule field there is fast bugs kill them and then scoop up the worms.

What white worm lives on or in the body?

It depends where in the world you are located. There are a variety of worms/parasites that will live in/on humans. For instance, there is a fly in Brazil that carries its eggs under them but will land on humans, release the eggs and they will bury in your skin as well as hatch very quickly after being laid. In the US this is common of the botfly. You may hear of the worms being called wolfs or wolf worms. If you go to and type in human worms there should be a variety of information you may be looking for.

Can someone be made of the recycled molecules and atoms of a wolf?

Yes, they can. But that person would never be aware of it. The dead body of the wolf would be broken down by animals until not much is left. The smaller bugs, worms and microbes would finish it. Those animals that began it and the bugs and worms would die some day. They would be recycled as well then. You can say that we all are made of recycled wolves, deer, buffalo, and even other humans.

How can iget rid of wolf worms in your puppy at home?

yes,,, there is a product called "safeguard", which is available at petstores without a vet prescription. it contains fenbendazole (spelling) which kills and eliminates 4 types of common worms in dogs. or just find an over the counter vet product containing fenbendazole.

Are meal worms real worms?

Meal-worms are actually beetle grubs - NOT worms.