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There weren't any specific territories disputed by China and the Soviet Union, but it was rather over China's government. Chiang Kai-sheik was the leader in power with a pro-Western government. Durning the Cold War, he was being opposed by the communist armies of Mao Zedong (who by 1945 had a fourth of the population's support). Since the USSR was a communist nation, they obviously supported Zedong. The US supported Kai-sheik, but it was reluctant and Truman refused so send military aid (the US was more focused on restoring Japan to improve the market). China will later be taked over by Zedong and turned into a communist nation allied with the USSR (happens before the creation of the UN)

Info can be found on pages 778-782 of Alan Brinkley's "American History: A Survey" 11th Edition

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Q: What areas were disputed by china and the Soviet Union during the cold war?
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The Invasion of Poland, 1939 and "the 1939 Defensive War in Germany, was carried out by Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and a small German-allied Slovak contingent. Germany captured the Soviet-occupied areas of Poland when it invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, and lost the territory in 1944 to an advancing Red Army.

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It was rooted in the idea of containment,limiting communism to the areas already under soviet Union control.

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A map is included in the link below referring to the expansion of the Soviet Union post World War II. There is a key provided on the map. A satellite state is a state that is under high influence of the country though not directly controlled by the country itself. For example, Albania was a satellite state of the Soviet Union, however, it was not a part of the Soviet Union.

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Who was the US ambassador to Russia in 1970?

George Kennan.Containment was coined by George Kennan, one of our few Russian experts and serves as an ambassador to Russia. He looks at the problem with the Soviet Union and writes the Long Telegram and said the soviets will only understand force, but we don't have to go to war and we should focus on containing them. He stated that we have a vital and peripheral areas and that we just have to keep them from spreading to our vital areas of interest (Western and Eastern Hemisphere and Japan). In order to contain the Soviet Union, we needed military alliances, military preparedness and he recommends foreign aid.

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What does SSR stand for on the map?

Well, if your map is from before 1990 and after 1921, it probably stands for "Soviet Socialist Republic" After the Russian Revolution in 1917, the Russian Emperor was deposed and shot but Russia continued to maintain an empire. Each of its areas was called a Soviet Socialist Republic, such as the Ukrainian SSR, the Georgian SSR, the Uzbekh SSR and so on. The whole was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) or Soviet Union. When the Soviet Union fell, each one of those SSRs became its own country, and Russia became Russia.

When was the Cold War?

The cold war started in 1946, maybe late 1945, when it became clear the the USSR was not planning to remove its troops from the areas of Europe that it had moved into during the world war II. It ended in 1991 when the Soviet Union broke up.

In 1959 what did Vice President Nixon and Soviet Premier Khrushchev agreed to meet in Paris to discuss?

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