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Q: What aspect of the world did Shinto base on?
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Where in the world did Shinto begin?


Where does it show area of the world where Shinto religion is practiced today?

Shinto religion is practiced in Japan.

A unique aspect of religion in Japan is that?

Many Japanese practice both Buddhism and Shinto.

What percent of Japanese is Shinto?

There are about 17.822 million people who practice the Shinto religion. Most of them reside in Japan, or come from Japanese background. Asia has the largest population of the Shinto religion. The religion was founded about 2,500 years go. Approximately 0.2% of the world is Shinto.

Where in the world is Shinto practiced today?


Does Taoism believe in afterlife?

Shinto, or Taoism, has little to no specifications on the afterlife. This is because death is seen as an uncleanliness and purification is a huge aspect of this religion.

Where is Shintoism practiced today?

The vast majority of Shinto is Japan, and is the original country of Shinto in the world

How shintoism spread?

Shinto hasn't really spread. Over the years, Shinto has been practiced almost exclusively in Japan. Most people who practice Shinto in other parts of the world are Japanese in heritage.

Which world religion starts with an S and has 6 letters?


What is good and bad in Shinto?

Purity is at the heart of Shinto's understanding of good and evil. Its a good things because of cultrual diffusion with the rest of the world

Who found Shinto'?

Yoshida Shinto

How is Shinto unique?

Yes Shinto is its own distinct religion. Indigenous to Japan focuses on the the balance of kami or invisible spiritual force. The most recognizable aspect of Shinto is by far the red cross beam arch that marks a shrine.