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May not be a disorder. It's called Petichiae, and can occur if you exercise too much, or take some types of medications,like ibuprofen.

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Q: What blood disorder causes red spots on skin?
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What is the medical term meaning small red spots on a patient's skin due to a blood clotting abnormality?

Petechiae are small red spots on a patient's skin due to a blood clotting disorder.

Is the hematoma has red or purple spots in the skin?

If a hematoma has red or purple spots, it could be a bruise or something more serious. It could mean a person is suffering from a disorder or blood problem.

what does Psoriasis mean?

Psoriasis is a non contagious skin disorder that causes thick red spots on the skin called scales. It occurs when the body thinks healthy cells are dangerous substance.

What is the blood disorder when there is bruising over the body and red marks around the eyes?

Ecchymosis? It is hemorrhagic spots that develop on the skin and in mucous membranes, causing discomfort. It is usually caused by a platelet disorder.

What exactly does psoriasis mean?

Psoriasis is a non contagious skin disorder that causes thick red spots on the skin called scales. It occurs when the body thinks healthy cells are dangerous substance.

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Reddish purple spots on the forearms can be bruises, which will disappear on their own. These spots can also indicate a more serious disease like scurvy, or they can be senile purpura, a common skin disorder in people over 65.

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The skin disorder, Keratosis pilaris, causes red bumps all over your arms and legs. It can also cause spots on your face, which look like acne.

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It causes skin damage, but sunspots are on the sun's surface, not on your skin!

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Is chocolate bad for skin?

no it isn't. many people say that it causes spots and oily skin, but scientific experiments have proved that it has no effect on your skin.

What are the causes of petechiae?

Petechiae are small red or brown spots on the skin, caused by internal bleeding due to the bursting of minor capillary blood vessels through trauma or physical aging.

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