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This is actually Jerry Reed, an old country artist. You also may remember Jerry from Smokey and the Bandit fame playing Burt Reynold's sidekick truckdriver, Snowman. The song title is "She Got The Goldmine, and I Got The Shaft".

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Q: What blues artist sings the song with the lyrics child support alimony she eating steak im eating bologna?
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If that is his/her first time eating it, just be cautious and watch him/her. I used to feed my dog bologna all the time and she was perfectly fine. I just wouldn't recommend it.

Support for people with eating disorders?

People with eating disorders can find support in many different forms and places. Therapists, medical professionals, and trained professionals can offer support, especially in the form of recovery help. Kind support can also be found in friends and family. Groups and organizations are often set up for people recovering or for those who have recovered from eating disorders, too.