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The collar bone

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I guess its Thigh bonw

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Q: What bone is the most painful to break?
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What is in bone that makes it so painful when they break?

It is not actually the bone itself which hurts when you break it, its the ligaments and nerves that surround it, when they are pulled or hit by the bone when it moves it causes pain.

How do you purposely break your arm?

Bones are meant to be strong, especially in young people. Therefore, it takes a great deal of force for a bone to break. Purposely trying to break a bone could cause muscle and tendon injuries, which take forever to heal and are quite painful. A broken bone is also extremely painful.

Is The Femur The Most Painful To Break?

yes the femur the worst to break.

What is the most minor bone in the foot to break?

the malingerer bone

What happens when your bones fracture?

A fractured bone is also known as a greenstick, which is a crack in the bone. It is a clean break and no bones are out of place. Fractures are still very painful but they do heal faster than an actual break.

Is it possible to break a bone in your big toe and not really notice?

A broken bone is always painful, however, you will not necessarily realize that the pain is caused by a broken bone. Also note that you can have a hairline fracture, in which case the bone is broken but it is not separated into two pieces. Those are harder to identify as breaks. But they are still painful.

Which broken bone cause death?

The most dangerous bone to break is the skull.

What is the most often bone to break?

Usually your elbow/arm or your finger bone.

If you junp from 300 ft out of a helicopter will you break a bone?

Most likely... If you have a parachute then you might not break a bone. Without one u'll probably die and break a bone. There is a chance that the parachute is not working so there isn't a 100% chance of you not breaking a bone <><><> From 300 feet. you will break MOST of your bones. 99.99999% fatal.

What is the worst kind of fracture?

Probably in the Femur. Or the bone in your thigh. It's the strongest bone in your body, and its near some major Veins and arteries. If its broken it can kill you. Fracturing or breaking the femur is probably the most painful break as well, as it is the strongest bone, and its surrounded by a lot of muscles that may contract with the pain.

What is the most common bone to break in gymnastics?

your wrist

Break your leg in the most painful way?

I dont know how to tell you too break it in the most painful way but i can tell you for sure that wen you break you leg it is the most painful feeling EVER!! When i was 13 i broke my leg by jumping of the top of our balcony in our house.. I was doing something really dumb and ignorant!! But i twisted my leg fully back and it cracked my whole bone fully around.. THE PAIN WAS INTENSE..! I have two kids and I can honestly say that was more painful than my child birth..! So please dont doo it is very stupid and you will end up hurting your self really bad and it will damage you later on in life and also the pain you will receive from your accident with your leg is extremely painful..