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company: bell.

The above answer is incorrect. The correct answer is Atlantic Cable

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Q: What cable company established in 1858 to carry instantaneous communication across the ocean that eventually would be used for Internet communications?
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What cable company was established in 1858 to carry instantaneous communications across the ocean that would eventually be used for internet communications?

What cable company was established in 1858 to carry instantaneous communications across the ocean that eventually would be used for Internet communications?

What cable company was established in 1958 to carry instantaneous communications across the ocean that would eventually be used for Internet communications?

In 1958, the company, Atlantic Cable was established to carry instantaneous communications across the ocean for the first time. Eventually, this was used for Internet communications.

2 What cable company established in 1858 to carry instantaneous communication across the ocean that eventually would be used for Internet communications?

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2 What cable company was established in 1858 to carry instantaneous communications across the ocean that eventually would be used for Internet communications?

The Transatlantic Telegraph Company was responsible for carrying communication across the Atlantic Ocean. The task was completed in 1858.

What cable company was established in 1858 to carry instantaneous communication across the ocean that eventually wound be used for internet communication?

The cable company that was established in 1858 to carry instantaneous communication across the ocean was the Atlantic Telegraph Company. The company was formed on 6 November 1856.

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