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Decapods (Lobsters, crabs etc.) are examples of invertebrates that have shells or chitinous bodies that protect their bodies.

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Q: What called some invertebrates have outer body that protects their soft and delicate bodies?
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What are soft-bodied invertebrates are called?

Soft-bodied invertebrates are called mollusks, mollusks are snails, snails are mollusks because snail have soft bodies.

Why Golgi bodies are called dictyosome in plants and lower invertebrates?

Dictyosomes of plants and lower invertebrates are the same as the Golgi. It is an alternative term.

The animal kingdom is divided into smaller groups called?

The animal kingdom is divided into smaller groups called vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates are those animals with backbones and endoskeletons and invertebrates lack a backbone and generally have the skeleton on the outside of their bodies.

What are animals that are usually covered with a shell called?

These animals are called invertebrates. Invertebrates have no backbone. Examples of invertebrates are insects.

Why is it important that the skeleton protects the brain and heart?

the hard structure protects your nervous system from getting damagedYour skeleton protects your nervous system by providing a sort of helmet for your brain. This helmet is called your skull and it helps keep the most important part of your nervous system safe.

What are animals with out backbones called?

They are called invertebrates

Is a hornet an invertebrate?

Wasps, like all insects, are invertebrates. They do not have an internal skeleton, so no vertebra. Their hard outer covering supports and gives shape to their bodies and it is called an exoskeleton.

Animals that do not have internal skeletons or backbones are called?

Animals without back bones are called Invertebrates.

What structures are known as a simple brain in invertebrates?

Ganglia are called simple brains in invertebrates .

What is the name invertebrates with seven pairs of legs?

Invertebrates with seven pairs of legs are called isopods, from the family of invertebrates known as isopoda.

What are animals called without backboes called?


What are the animals with out a backbone called?
