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New Piercing Aftercare

1) Clean your tongue piercing after everything other than water for the next 7 days, once in the morning and again at night check to ensure the balls are tight on the barbell. Be sure to wash your hands before touching your new piercing!

2) Swelling will be at it's peak first thing the morning after the piercing was done. Before bed tonight, in the fridge be sure you have a pitcher of cold water, a tray of ice cubes, you will want these items in the morning. When you get up crush some ice in a plastic bag, then take some of the ice slivers and put them in your mouth and allow them to melt. Try not to suck on them, allowing them to melt is the best. After about five to ten minute you should notice the swelling subsiding. During the day try to have cold water with ice handy throughout the day to keep the swelling down and to aid in the healing.

3) Good oral hygiene is important to allow the tongue piercing to heal as quickly as possible. Purchase a good non-alcohol anti-bacterial mouth rinse if possible, (Oral-B), if you cant find this then Original Listerine will work fine but if you find it's too harsh then cut it down 50% with water. You must rinse your mouth out after everything other than water for the first 7 days, this is very important! When brushing the teeth do not brush your tongue, this may irritate the piercing. The 2nd or 3rd day after the piercing has been done you may notice a yellow film on the top of your tongue, don't worry this is the normal matter your tongue generates as it heals this will disappear in a few days. You may also see a whitish circle around the barbell under your tongue, this is the tongues version of a scab and it will also disappear in a few days.

4) Ensure your barbell balls are tightened every night before bed and after you have brushed your teeth and washed your hands. While holding the bottom ball under your tongue in your left hand grasp the top ball with your right hand and turn it clockwise to tighten it. (Right to Tighten / Left to Loosen) This must be done every day to ensure the balls do not loosen off. If you do happen to swallow a ball they will not hurt you, they will pass through your system in a day or so, contact your piercer to acquire another replacement ball.

After 2 Weeks

Re-Visit your piercer to have the barbell shortened, this is important to prevent dental damage from biting the barbell.

Things Not to Do with New Tongue Piercings

Do Not use Epsom Salts, Table Salt, Hydrogen Peroxide, Betadine, Tea Tree Oil, Polysporin, Neosporin, Bacitracin, Bactroban, Bactine or any other topical solution or ointment on your piercing what so ever.

These products are not for use on Puncture Wounds! If it's not listed on the above aftercare guide don't use it on the piercing!

If you think you have trouble with your piercing contact your piercer and NEVER remove the jewellery from a suspected infected piercing.

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Why were tongue rings invented?

Tongue rings have been used for cultural and religious purposes for thousands of years in various indigenous tribes. In modern times, tongue rings became popular in Western culture as a form of body adornment and self-expression. Some people also get tongue piercings for increased sexual pleasure or aesthetic reasons.

Are there any complications with tongue rings?

There are multiple complications that can occur from tongue rings. Infection is a common complication. Tongue rings can also crack or chip your teeth and increase the risk of damage to teeth enamel.

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Can tongue rings be use as bellybutton rings?

No. A tongue bar is straight, whereas a bellybutton bar is curved (known as a banana bar).

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A tongue scraper is used to clean the bacteria build up on the tongue. They are shaped in accordance and designed to lift the plaque coating better than using a simple toothbrush.

What is a Lock on tongue rings?

There is no "lock on a tongue ring" and it's not a ring it's a barbell.

What were tongue scrapers used for in the colonial times?

the colonial apothecaries believes that the white stuff on your tongue was bad germs. the tongue scraper was used to clean the tongue. they placed it at very back of tongue, pressed down, and pulled forwards. then, they cleaned it off, and did the same thing, until the tongue didnt have anything else on it.

How do tongue rings keep from rusting?

They are made out of stainless steel or acrylic, acrylic is better for tongue rings because if you accidentally bite one of the balls you won't chip a tooth.

How much should you clean your tongue piercing?

Clean it as often as possible.....When u eat (clean it) when u drink anything other than water (clean it) and when u smoke (clean it). Brush your tongue also to keep it clean

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