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While there seems to be no "cure" or cause for colic, the first step is to make sure that your baby does in fact have colic, rather than some other problem. What you make think is colic could be acid reflux, GERD, or even lack of a consistent schedule (causing baby to be overtired and irritable by the nights). Talk to your pediatrician about acid reflux and GERD symptoms (as they closely resemble those of colic). There are treatment options for acid reflux that may provide some relief. If that is not the case, it could be possible that baby would thrive on a more consistent routine of napping and feeding. If none of the above work, take heart...while the cause of colic is unknown, it often clears up on its own by 3 months age. In the meantime, try a vibrating bouncer, a baby carrier to keep baby close, running the vacuum cleaner, or even a car ride. If all else fails, remind yourself that baby WILL be OK and will not remember these trying times (only you will).

The major cause of baby colic is trapped gas in the digestive tract. Helping the baby release that gas can make a big difference in treating baby colic. One way is to learn baby massage or use homeopathic remedies.

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How does drinking cold water cause colic in a horse?

DRINKING COLD WATER DOES NOT CAUSE COLIC after excersize or if a horse is very hot drinking cold water straight away causes colic! sorry aabout the caps lock

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Too much hay is usually not an issue if the hay is not alfalfa. Timothy and other grass hay will not normally cause colic. What may cause colic in horses is a quick change in the type of hay. If a horse is accustomed to one type of hay a quick switch to another may cause colic. It is best to switch to a new type gradually over several days.

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ANSWER #1: Some poisonous plants to horses like yew, Ragwort, deadly nightshade, anything that they shouldn't eat. ANSWER #2: Colic is caused by dozens of different things. Too much of any feed can cause colic. Feeds/grains that are too rich can cause colic. Simply changing the type of horse feed too suddenly can cause colic. (Always change feeds gradually - over a period of 1 1/2 to 2 weeks). Too much lush green grass can also cause colic. Other causes of colic are: the horse not having enough water, especially after feeding; a hot horse drinking cold water; as well as diseases of the internal organs.

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No, but too much of them can cause colic.

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The treatment for colic depends on the cause. Some cases of colic will resolve with minimal care, such as removal of food and the administration of medication for pain, while others require surgery.

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Almost anything can cause colic so go with the rule that what you don't know can hurt you. Nuts are not a natural food for a horse so I wouldn't advise to feed it to them.

What could be the cause of colic in babies?

Discover why your baby is gassy and try our home remedies for colic in babies. Get instant solutions and visit us now @ Happitummi

What is excessive stomach gas in babies mean?

Excessive gas can cause colic.

Can too much air direct in a new born face cause colic?

Yes it can.

Compare the symptoms of colic and reflux-?

Colic is something a baby gets that make them cry usually from healthy babies been feed. Reflux is when a baby eats and then throws the milk right back up.