

What can cause excess saliva?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Something to do with the glands.

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Q: What can cause excess saliva?
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Excess saliva is a symptom of what?

Any disorder affecting nerves associated with the mouth or throat can result in excessive saliva. Colds and respiratory infections usually cause greater amounts of saliva to be produced, as well as a wide range of neurological disorders.

What is the medical term meaning producing too much saliva?

Ptyalism is the medical term meaning excess salivation.

Can Klonopin cause excessive mucous?

Yes, taking Klonopin has been linked to having excess mucous in your mouth. There are also other medications that can cause increased saliva including Clozaril.

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Milk teeth (caps) can cause irritation that can result in excess saliva and the young horse working his mouth, creating foam.

Does salivation mean the same thing as saliva?

Yes, Merriam Webster defines it as to have a flow of saliva especially in excess.

Does saliva cause itchiness?

No. Saliva shouldn't cause itchiness. If it persists, I recommend seeing your doctor.

What causes excess saliva?

Some OTC cough preparations can cause excessive salivation, especially if more than the recommended amount is taken. See Mayo Clinic link for more.

What illegal drud causes excess saliva?

boston cream doghnut tim hortons

Why do you get excess saliva with bad taste?

I don't know but I seem to be experiencing this as well. It could be heartburn.

Does Saliva contail HIV?

Saliva does contain HIV, but not enough concentration to cause an infection to be passed.

What can cause blood to be in your spit?

There are several things that can cause blood in saliva. Some common causes that cause blood to be present in saliva include a decayed tooth, or a throat infection.

Does saliva cause a UTI?

i think so