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That sounds like a classic sinus infection. Since the sinus cavity sits right above your top teeth, it will feel like you have the worst toothache. Lower sinus is behind and under eyes and cheeks. so the pressure in your face and behind your eyes is unbearable and the blocked sinus is the standard thing to have when you have a severe sinus infection. Get to an E.N.T. specialist (ear, nose & throat) doctor. Left untreated, it may get worse and spread to your brain. Ask you doctor for a good sinus antibiotic and a nasal douche solution that comes with a little plastic Neti pot. I've had them so bad that a quick and painless death started to look rather attractive! Go to your doctor for a sinus anti-biotic!

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Q: What can cause pressure and pain behind one eye tooth ache and blocked sinus?
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How does barometric pressure affect people?

If the barometric pressure drops suddenly, as it does often before a storm, and your sinus passageway is blocked, the higher pressure in the sinus will press on the bones surrounding it to cause a horrible headache. When your nose is stuffy, the inner linings of your nose are swollen, and the same swelling can shut the sinus passageway, preventing air pressure inside your sinus from changing to balance the pressure outside, and you can develop a sinus headache. from:

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Yes, Chronic sinus can cause sleppiness at mid after noon. Especially If you have Sphenoid sinus infection, then you will get sleepiness at afternoon and tiredness.

Does sinus congestion cause a swelling behind the ear?

no, but it can give you an ear infection.

Does anyone know what could cause extreme pressure above each ear and cause dizziness?

Pressure in the ears and eyes is usually caused by a sinus infection. A sinus infection is an infection of the nasal cavities that causes headaches, pressure and cold like symptoms.

What causes a painful nose?

Usually it is sinus pressure. Another cause could be as simple as a cut in your nose or something stuck in your sinus or nasal cavity.

What can cause pain in the right side of the nose of an adult while eating?

The only thing I can think off might be a blocked sinus cavity.

What would be the reason for tingling of face and nose and headache pain behind left eye?

I experience headache behind left eye but no accompanying tingling. Doctor has diagnosed eye headache as symptom of blocked Sinus.

What helps pressure in ears?

Chewing gum may help pop your ears. Relieving sinus pressure via neti pot, OTC medicines or prescriptions may help as well, as sinus issues may be the cause.

Why do you get pressure behind your nose?

Yep it is very possible that the pressure behind your nose is due to sinus congestion. The sinus congestion may be due to a mucus blockage or mucus membrane inflammation. it is important that you get treatment for your congestion because it can lead to a sinus infection. There are many products available in the market that can help decongest your sinuses, such as SinusWars7, The netiPot or you may even be able to use a saline solution (salt/water).

How to relieve sinus pressure?

Take sinus relief medication

What causes sharpe pain behind both eyes?

Quite possibly a sinus infection. It puts pressure on the eyes and your eyes will water.