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Since frogs have holes for ears, they probably just sense vibrations, like snakes.

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Q: What can frogs hear in the water?
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What sounds can frogs hear under water?

They can hear everything, even a predator coming to get them and even other frogs.

What can frogs hear underwater?

They will simply hear what is around them. Sound, which is vibrations, can travel in water, air and through anything apart from a vacuum.Whilst underwater, frogs hear sound waves that have been emitted by other frogs and ambient noises also. Frogs use internal ears to process sound signals as well as their lungs, although the sensitivity of the lungs is not as high as that of the ear structure.They can hear fish, insects, animals and other frogs that are in the water. They hear using their big round ears called tympanum. Frogs can hear under water through the vibration that travels through the water, but they cannot hear sounds that are short and of high frequency.

What types of sounds can frogs hear underwater?

water moving They can hear water moving. Since frogs have holes for ears, they probably just sense vibrations, like snakes. a rabbit andwhat ever is in there

Because of their tympanic membrane the leopard frogs?

can hear well in both water and air

What do frogs hear underwater?

they hear noises

Why do frogs have ears?

so they can hear

What can frog's ears do?

The tympana or ears of frogs are not adapted for hearing in the water. But in some frogspecies the males are to be known calling the females from under water, like the European species Pelobates fuscus.

Do frogs drink water?

No, frogs do not drink water. Frogs absorb water through their skin.

What is the plural possessive noun of frogs?

frogs' -- This means something belongs to an entire group of frogs as opposed to just one.

Why do frogs float in water with their eyes nostrils and eardrums about water level?

Its so that they can see and hear when prey or a predator is near by.

How do frogs develop into frogs?

Frogs start out as tadpoles and then they develop into jumping frogs. They start life in water.

How do you give baby frogs water?

To give baby frogs water you just put them in the water and they will drink it