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Simple, absolutely avoid Aspartame! People who have used aspartame with severe side effects imitating MS and Lupas have seen their symptoms gradually or immediatly disappear following the abrupt end to their aspartame consumption.

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Q: Can you reverse the effects of aspartame?
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What are the demographics of negative effects from aspartame?

There has been no evidence or suggestion of any gender, race, or cultural predilection to negative effects from aspartame.

What are side effects of aspartate?

Headaches and memory loss are the most common side effects of aspartame. Aspartame should be avoided. It is in most diet soft drinks and sugar free candies.

Can aspartame cause a built-up sweetness in your mouth?

No, aspartame doesn't have the same effects as regular sugar. It does not even cause cavities.

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How much aspartame is too much?

Having more than 2-3 Aspartame sweetened sodas per day has been shown to have effects on the brain. To my knowledge no dose that anyone is likely to consume has been shown to be harmful.

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CX717 is a drug that is said to reverse the effects of sleep deprivation. It has been tested on lab animals. Drugs with methamphetamines are also being said to help reverse this condition.

Is there a way to reverse the effects of suboxone?

Yeh, time.

In a medical condition called Interstitial Cystitis have there been any side effects from aspartame that could cause this?

No. Aspartame does not cause Interstitial Cystitis. While the cause of this bladder disease is not known, nor is theire a cure for it, there has been great progress in the treatment of it.

What is the reverse of divide by 21?

The reverse, in the sense of undoing the effects of "divide by 21" is "multiply by 21".