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Preeclampsia is more likely to occur during first pregnancies and beyond the 20th week. It can also be a genetic ordeal. Diet could also play a major role and has been shown that women with preeclampsia are often found to be low in vitamins E and C. Untreated gum disease can also cause preeclampsia as well. So eat well, keep your teeth and gums clean, and talk to your family about genetic preeclampsia issues!

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13y ago

It really all depends on how severe your preeclampsia is. Of course you should always do what your doctor recommends above anything else. For instance, if you have high blood pressure, you will probably stay away from heavy exercise. This may even include bicycling and walking up the stairs. Things like pregnancy yoga or palates may be safe to do, but again check with you doctor first.

My wife and I would go on picnics together to our local park. We would find a nice shaded area and set out a big blanket and eat fresh berries and melon and sometimes some chopped up vegetables. Bring your dog (if you have one) and that always adds to the enjoyment!

Movies are another safe choice, but maybe stay away from anything too exciting or scary as this will only cause your blood pressure to rise. Instead opt for a comedy or romance; choose something that will make you laugh or feel good in general.

Send your husband or "significant other" out of the house to run errands. The grocery store is a fantastic place to start because chances are there are some delectables that are being craved even at this moment...!

If the preeclampsia becomes severe, you may be placed on bed rest, as my Lizzy was. In this case there really isn't much that you can do. The doctors told us to keep her in bed, only getting up to use the restroom. This meant no going to the kitchen, no making Sandwiches or snacks, no doing laundry or folding clothes, no getting her own water. If she didn't stay in bed, she was told she had to go to the hospital where they would make her stay in bed!

She got the idea pretty quick and read books and magazines while laying in bed. She watched TV and movies. And she used her iPhone a ton to stay connected and chatting with her friends, along with looking up what other ladies were going through.

I hope this helps and that you aren't on bed rest yet. I wish you the best luck with your pregnancy and be careful not to overdue it.

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What is the latest research on preeclampsia and eclampsia?

Research is being done with patients in high risk groups to see if calcium supplementation, aspirin, or fish oil supplementation may help prevent preeclampsia.

Is preeclampsia hereditary?

The tendency to develop preeclampsia appears to run in families. The daughters and sisters of women who have had preeclampsia are more likely to develop the condition.

How many cases of preeclampsia develop into eclampsia?

Eclampsia occurs in about 1 out of every 200 women with preeclampsia.

What is the prevalence of preeclampsia in ethnic groups?

African-American women have higher rates of preeclampsia than do Caucasian women.

What is most important about diagnosis of preeclampsia?

Most importantly, it is clear that careful monitoring during pregnancy is necessary to diagnose preeclampsia early.

Nursing diagnosis for preeclampsia?

Risk for injury related to preeclampsia. A nursing diagnosis for preeclampsia isn't really possible since we nurses can't practice medicine. We'll be assessing for clonus, epigastric pain, headache, etc. (Which are signs of impending eclampsia.)

How is severe preeclampsia and eclampsia treated?

To prevent seizures, intravenous magnesium sulfate is given, antihypertensive drugs are used only if blood pressure is exceedingly high. Medications may be given to start labor.

What is the only thing that will cure preeclampsia is?

Child birth

What does a pregnant female who presents with hypertension indicate?


What are the medical conditions preeclampsia and eclampsia?

Complications of pregnancy. In preeclampsia, the woman has dangerously high blood pressure, swelling, and protein in the urine. If allowed to progress, this syndrome will lead to eclampsia.

How is preclamica treated?

The only sure cure for preeclampsia is to deliver your baby. If delivery is not an option or your case is mild, the doctor will monitor your blood pressure and put you on medications to help lower blood pressure and prevent seizures.

What danger to babies if mum has preeclampsia?

If untreated both mother and child can die.