

Best Answer
  1. Stop burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity, which releases carbon dioxide.
  2. Reforestation, planting billions of trees to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  3. Improve our agricultural practices (cattle and rice paddies) so less methane is emitted.

you can reduce green house gas by reducing about 20-30 % of burning coal and by carpool or walk instead of driving because cars release Co2 and stay in the earth atmosphere for about 20-30 years and that's a long time! So to reduce green house gas go to energy star to get a plan or make your plan better and please reduce the Co2 by 35-40% because the more the better.
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10y ago
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12y ago

Keep the Oceans clean, stop cutting down Trees, take very much more care of Our One And Only Earth, use less toxic Chemicals [easily done], less deadly gases, and maybe [soon] for your car you can use french fry oil.

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15y ago

stop driving cars

Man produces about 0.28% of all greenhouse gas. It is conceivable that man may be contributing to the current warming trend of the past 10,000 years.

Well over 1/2 of the 0.28% that we contribute is through our homes and businesses. Reducing the energy consumed would be the only logical method to lower our output to 0.25%. This would require the virtual shutdown of all heat, air conditioning and power in our homes.

It is estimated that if all modern transportation were shutdown, the levels of CO2 would continue to climb at a slower rate then present, but still climb. This is because CO2 follows temp, not causes change.

There is absolutely nothing we can do that would affect this effect without the shutdown of civilization and mass starvation and death.

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10y ago

The harmful effects of high levels of greenhouse gases are global warming and climate change. To reduce these effectswe have to reduce the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The only way to remove them is through photosynthesis. Growing trees and vegetation take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, store the carbon, and release oxygen. So reforestation is the first answer.

The next step is to stop putting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. So we have to stop burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). We need electricity, so we have to start using renewable energy to generate it.

Greenhouse gases can also be eliminated in exhaust streams (don't emit them) or removed by adsorption, or chemical combination. Scientists are trying to find economical and practical ways of doing this.

A:To control global warming, which is caused by greenhouse effect, we can
  • ~control the emission of pollutants from various automobiles.
  • ~try to use public transport instead of private vehicle.
  • ~factories and industries should control their pollution.
  • ~wastes should not be burned.
A:Some gases like carbon dioxide etc can cause greenhouse effect, because they can make a prison for the rays of sun which make earth warm. By building up these gases the greenhouse effect grows, so we should stop producing them:
  • reduce production of CO2 by for example not using cars,
  • use filters to refine the gas which is produced by factories
  • Switch off lights when you aren't using them.
  • Get an open fire for your home and use central heating as little as possible
  • Begin recycling all plastic or paper we are going to throw away just go and drop it on the recycle bin.
  • Don't use aerosols.
  • Don't burn fossil fuels
  • stop farting, smoking, driving
  • We can stop driving cars and throwing out good stuff.
A:Go green!!! recycle, reuse grocery bags, take shorter showers, have a compost bin, have a worm farm. A:We can do lots of things, such as drive hybrid vehicles, use solar panels, and use alternative fuels.

The greenhouse effect cause, because of increase in heat trapping gases including Carbon dioxide CFCs & nitrogen. We can reduce greenhouse effect by stop or decrease in use of those instruments which emit these gases.

A:We can do many things to help, like;

Use less electricity, Ride your bike, and more.

But we don't want to eliminate the Greenhouse effect all in all, we have to have it. If we didn't have, or never did; the Earth's surface would be about 30 degrees Celsius colder. That would not work for our ecosystem that we are attained to now.

A:Go green!!! Recycle, reuse grocery bags, buy things with less wrappers, make a compost pile for food scraps, fully inflate your car tires (this uses less gas when they are full), take shorter showers, and turn off lights when your not using them. A:You can help slow global warming by:
  • Walking, riding your bicycle, or taking the bus instead of always going by car.
  • Not wasting electricity (turn off the lights, the radio, the TV and the computer when you're not using them).
  • Reducing, reusing or recycling all kinds of items, from soda pop cans to clothes, to save energy and raw materials.
  • Planting trees to help absorb excess CO2, and to provide shade and windbreaks to keep buildings at more even temperatures so they will require less energy for heating or cooling.
A:First of all, there are two types of the greenhouse effect: the natural and the man-made. The greenhouse you are probably talking about is the man-made-- the bad one. The man-made OVERheats it. The natural warms it so we can still survive. And global warming is also affected by humans, and it is also natural. But we should still try to prevent it. A:The greenhouse effect is a natural heating process that occurs when certain gases in Earth's atmosphere trap heat. Without the greenhouse effect Earth would be too cold to live on. We need this to live, it is not bad. The problem is when it gets too strong it can heat up Earth too much. There are signs that this has happened on Venus. To help keep this not too strong recycle, reuse and don't use up Earth's resources. A:The greenhouse effect can be reduced by reducing the emission of the greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide release, which is usually produced from industry and automobile usage, can be reduced by increasing automobile efficiency by carpooling, walking, cycling, or using public transportation. Also, the electric car may soon be available to the public. Meanwhile the amount of methane in the air can be reduced by preventing forest fires and the depletion of trees, increasing the sinks like trees and forests. A:We could try geoengineering techniques, however these methods are speculative, untested, and potentially dangerous in their own right, and the reduction of carbon emissions may still be additionally necessary.

Geoengineering methods include reducing global warming by reflecting the incident solar radiation, by emitting aerosols, increasing the reflectivity of the ground or clouds, or by using mirrors in space. The other geoengineering approach is to capture carbon from the atmosphere in artificial 'chemical trees' so it can be buried, or to encourage algae growth in the ocean which then fall to the deep ocean floor.

Our other alternative is to adapt human civilization and the biosphere to cope with the effects of climate change, through improved flood controls, a more flexible and expanded food supply, and the relocation or care of endangered species if possible.

We should however not become dependent on these methods, and try to reduce carbon emissions to the atmosphere by

  • reducing carbon emissions by consuming less, or replacing consumables with alternatives which emit less carbon in their use and production.
  • reducing the Birth Rate so the potential for future carbon emissions are reduced
  • capture then contain or sequester (bury) carbon emissions to prevent them reaching the atmosphere. This includes artificial, and natural sinks such as forests.
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10y ago

The main greenhouse gases that humans contribute are carbon dioxide and methane. To reduce these we have to

  1. Burn less fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) to generate electricity, so, use more renewable sources, like solar, wind and water power.
  2. Use less electricity and gas in our transport, so, use more efficient cars, use public transport, bicycles or walk.
  3. Use less electricity and gas in our homes, so, wear more or fewer clothes when we are too cold or too hot, instead of turning up or down the thermostats.
  4. Be strict about turning off power and lights when they are not needed, or not being used. This includes all kinds of vampire energy, the TV or computer with its light on standby, sucking electricity all the time.
  5. Eat less red meat. Beef cattle emit vast amounts of methane by belching. Methane is twenty times more dangerous as a greenhouse gas than is carbon dioxide. If everyone in the country ate vegetarian, or even chicken one meal a week instead of beef that would make a big difference!
  6. Stop cutting down trees and rainforests. Plants and trees remove carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen. We need them. Carbon makes up 50% of the weight of a tree.
  7. Grow your own food or buy local produce, where possible.
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10y ago

You can only reduce the effect of greenhouse gases by reducing the levels of the gases themselves. The only way to reduce levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is to plant billions of fast-growing trees. Growing vegetation is the only way to reduce the carbon dioxide that is already in the atmosphere.

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12y ago

stop cuting down trees stop useing alot of electrisatey

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That you will commit to reduce greenhouse gases

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We have to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide and methane, the greenhouse gases, into the atmosphere.

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Does using unleaded petrol reduce the greenhouse effect?

Yes because unleaded produces less carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases than leaded petrol. it leads to a reduction in greenhouse gases and acid rain.

Why are governments trying to reduce the output of greenhouse gases?

The industrial release of greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane) has been linked to the retention of heat in the atmosphere, known as "global warming." By reducing the amount released, they hope to reduce the detrimental long-term effects of this heating, including higher sea levels, increased storm activity, and altered precipitation patterns.

What affect is an increasing population creating in relation to greenhouse gases?

Think of it this way: The bigger the population gets, the more resources they use, the more pollution they emit and the bigger this problem gets. Reduce the population, and you reduce the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmospere.