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It is typically safe for pregnant women to take opiates during pregnancy. Often doctors hesitate to prescribe other types of drugs because of the risks. When under a doctors care opiate analgesics are a good option.

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Q: What can you take for pain besides Tylenol if you are 12 weeks' pregnant and have an abcsessed tooth?
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How to take away tooth aches?

Tooth aches can be taken away by tooth treatment by a dentist, or by tooth extraction.

Recommended tablets after tooth extraction?

If you mean for pain, normally Tylenol #3...or Tylenol with codeine!

8 months pregnant on Tylenol codeine for an impacted and infected wisdom tooth and still have severe pain what can I do?

Try heat and/or ice packs. Why hasn't your dentist pulled this tooth for you??? Should be easy I would think; talk to your Dr and dentist.

When can you get rid of the pain of an erupting wisdom tooth?

TYLENOL! Tylenol will help ease the pain if it still has pain after the Tylenol then i recommend seeing the doctor asap!

What can be taken for tooth ache if pregnant?

oil of cloves

Is there anything a person can do besides pulling the tooth if you have a broken root for the tooth?

Yes, depends how badly it's broken and how much money you want to spend.

Is it safe for pregnant to take out tooth?

Yes and it would probably be worse leaving it.

What can you do with a blue tooth besides talking on the cell phone?

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Why do you use tooth paste when you brush your teeth?

Because they really haven't created anything else to clean your teeth besides mouthwash

Is it ok to take amoxicillin while 30 weeks pregnant for an abscessed tooth?

It is only safe if it is prescribed by a dentist who is aware the patient is pregnant.

How long does it take for a nerve to heal after injury from wisdom tooth extraction?

It should not last longer than a couple of days.. Your dentist should have given you a prescription for Tylenol 3, gargle with a little warm salt water this will speed up the recovery and take some ordinary Tylenol or asperine.

What happen if you get your wisdom teeth taking out while pregnant?

I had one wisdom tooth pulled while I was 5 months pregnant and it hurt really bad! First of all i had to have an X-ray so they put 4 of those vests on me and then since they couldn't give me novacaine they gave me lidocaine which is like nothing! I felt my tooth crack!! It hurt so bad. Then because I was pregnant, I wasn't allowed to take anything but tylenol. I might as well been popping tic tacs because the pain was excrutiating for days! If I were you I'd do my best to wait. Unless the pain is that unbearable. Sorry Im just being honest.