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There is a very simple solution for mange. A 1% mixture of peroxide, aprox. 1 pint to 5 gals. of water, then slowly mix in Borax, (20 mule team is the most common) until the water is so saturated it wont dissolve any more, about 1/2 a box to the 5 gals. Bathe the dog in this solution once every seven days, do not rinse it off, leave the solution on them like a dip, you will see almost immediate results in the dog, less itching, smoother skin, ect. Within a couple of weeks you should start to see a drastic improvement, hair growing back into the now clean pores. The borax contains boric acid, which is extremely toxic to insects of all kinds, but won't hurt your pet at all. The peroxide is just the catylist that enables the solution to be absorbed into the skin to kill the mites & their eggs.. About 8 treatments, 2 months should be the maximum dosage!!!

The dude above me is wrong. Borax Does not contain ANY boric acid. Boric acid is not good for dogs. Borax is basically a higher concentrate of salt.When you mix borax and sulfur, you get Boric acid. The peroxide opens the pores and the borax kills the mites. Let the borax dry on them. Do not rinse it off!!! repeat at most 2 times weekly!If you take some mayo and put it on the bumps or sores where the mites are buried, it will suffocate them and force them out. let it sift for as long as possible. Try to get them while their sleeping so they dont lick it off or smear it! and just whipe off after an hour or so and they should be some where in the mayo you whipped off.Apple cider vinegar. Bragg is a good brand the organic, raw, unfiltered stuff from the vitamin shoppe or places like that and not the heinz brand from the grocery store, they have no effect. Spray it on they infected areas. If its an open wound, make it half water half vinegar. Answer:Although peroxide and borax can be useful ingredients in certain treatments, 2 months is a long time to deal with a contagious problem. Sarcoptic Mange is not only contagious to other animals but to people as well so taking precautions and treating the environment are just as important as treating the animal with sarcoptic mange. The infected dog will also "lay down with mites and get new mites" so it's just a vicious cycle from the beginning.We've found that the sooner you can deal with the problem, the better. Most vet treatments will range from dips to other poisons and insecticides like revolution or ivermectin. Rarely will they tell you about treating the environment and that sarcoptic mange is transferrable to other animals or humans. The sarcoptic mange mite will not live a full life cycle on people but can cause intense rash and itch on the skin. This is classified more as an "allergic" type reaction but you can have irritation for several days or weeks (according to how your body reacts to the mites). Those with a stronger immune system will usually have less irritation.Everyday Solutions Rx has been helping customers for almost 5 years with an almost 100% success rate using natural products for animals, people and environments. Our cornerstone neem products are not only anti-parasitic but neem is a natural contraceptive for the microscopic mites stopping the reproductive cycles. Our neem products can be used on humans and pets so you don't have to purchase multiple products. Our diatomaceous earth (fossil dust) is food grade and will act mechanically, meaning there is nothing for the mites to become immune to. DE looks like sharp pieces of glass under a microscope and will slice the mites, causing them to dehydrate, usually within 24-48 hours. A sarcoptic mange mite cannot live off of a pet host after 72 hours.Our cleaning and disinfecting protocol has proved highly effective to keep the sarcoptic mites from transferring back and forth and with our proprietary formula, the itch stops immediately. So to answer the question, we suggest using natural products to avoid possible side effects and to get the job done quickly. You can find more information, products like neem & diatomaceous earth with a complete regimen on our websites. and

ANSWER: Since this is a contagious mange I would say use the treatments, but you also need to resolve the reasons why your pet is getting this mange in the first place. Go to and you will find a link to a book that will help clear up this mange and also keep your pet as healthy as possible for years to come. Besides saving you from spending tons of money at the vet. This pet needs a change in diet as well as these treatments.

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Q: What can you use to treat sarcoptic mange?
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Is there more then one type of dog mange?

One of the major types is Demodetic Mange which is caused by a mite that many animals naturally have in their hair. This kind can be inherited and can cause hair loss. There is another kind called sarcoptic which is also caused by a mite, but by a different kind and can actually be passed onto other creatures.

Is mange deadly?

Different types of mange is able to give a warning of what type of illness it may be causes, however, it is not deadly. There are two different types of mange, Sarcoptic and Demodectic, that can be found in dogs.

Can another human give a dog mange bye touching a dog with mange?

Yes. Mange is contagious. Get those dogs to a veterinarian ASAP!AnswerIt depends on if it is demodectic or sarcoptic mange. "Red mange" has been used to describe both. Demodectic mange is a mite that all dogs have-- they receive it from their mother shortly after birth. Sometimes the populations of this mite grow out of control due to immune issues, large amounts of stress, or adolescence. Sarcoptic mange is contagious to both humans and other dogs, but is easier of the two to treat.ANSWER:Demodectic mange is not contagious all dogs carry this mange. But the reason a dog will have an issue with the mange getting out of control is due to another underlying issue, such as yeast. Vets will treat the mange with ivermectin, prednisone and antibiotics when really all you need to do is change your dogs diet. Go to www.milehighbullmastiffs and there is a link to a book that will tell you how to cure this and how to keep your pet as healthy as possible for the rest of it's life.

Can a human pass Sarcoptic mange to another dog?

There are 2 types of mange mites that infect dogs. There is the demodex mange mite, which normally attacks dogs that are down in their immune system for some reason such as bad food, starving, disease, any stress. It is not passed from one dog to another. Then there is the Sarcoptic mange mite (often called the red mite) and it is very contagious from one dog to another & also to humans. You need to take your dog in to be checked out by your Veterinarian who will do skin scrapings to see if your dog has mange mites & if so, what type they are. Get it treated by your Veterinarian. Humans can also get the sarcoptic mange mite too. We all carry to some extent the Demodex mange mite, but our normal immune system keeps it under control. Do a skin scraping from the skin beneath your lower eyelids and check it under a powerful microscope, you might be surprised.

Can cooking oil treat mange?

no, absolutely not. the only proper treatment for mange that wont make matters worse is a proper parasite treatment. Usually as long as there are no secondary infections caused by scratching and chewing treatment is actually pretty cheap. Treatment depends on the type of mange, eg. sarcoptic or demodex.. either way treatment is usually a reasonable price and it is best to take your dog to the vet.

How long will sarcoptic mange stay on a human?

Ever hear of the "Seven Year Itch"? That's another term for Sarcoptic Mange in humans. Like pets, humans have a particular variety of mites that can cause advanced " Sarcoptic mange". This is totally separate variety from the ones that cause "mange" in dogs and cats; however, if the variety of mange mite that affects dogs and cats gets on a human it can cause a nasty red welt just like a mosquito bite. Several of these bites can be rather troublesome. Since these varieties are not well adapted to humans, they do not produce the extensive tunnels and cause the advanced lesions and scabs over the skin surface. They just burrow in a short distance and die. This causes inflammation and the resulting welt.

Can you treat mange with betagen or gentocin?

Yes, it can be used to treat the symptoms of mange. It is prescribed for use in dogs for the treatment of infected superficial lesions accompanied by inflammation and itching. Gentamicin treats the bacterial infection and betamethasone helps with the swelling and itching.

After a dog is cured from red mange will its partner get it if the dog breeds?

Has your dog been treated for mange mites by your Veterinarian & if so what type did he or she find? If not, you need to take your dogs into your Veterinarian to have them both checked out to see if they have the mange mites and which type? This can only be determined by a Veterinarian taking a deep scraping of skin from the edges of the affected areas and putting in under a Microscope to actually look for the mites. There are 2 different types of Mites, there is the Demodectic (Demodex) mange mite that is normally present in every dog, we even have this type under our eyelids. The dog's immune system normally keeps them under control. When the immune system has been suppressed for some reason such as a sickness, stress, etc. then the demodetic mites are out of control & cause skin damage, loss of hair, etc. They are not contagious and can be treated with your Vet but takes awhile to do. The other mites are sarcoptic mange mites and they are easier to treat but very contagious to humans and other dogs. They are usually referred to as the red mange. You need to know for sure. If it is sarcoptic mange, then you need to bath and dip your dog and your other dog to get rid of all of them. Check yourself too. You need to have your Vet tell you how to treat these. Good luck

Symptoms of mange in cats?

Hair loss in your dog can be just one sign of mange. There are many types of mange such as Sarcoptic, Demodectic and Cheyletiellosis. Mange is basically a mite infection/infestation of one type or another with dog hair loss, itching and scratching some of the signs to watch out for. A mange infection can be serious and it is suggested you take your dog to the vet for diagnosis and treatment if you suspect your dog hs mange. Source:

Can a dog get scabies from you?

Sarcoptes scabei Dog Mange is the less serious, yet highly contagious, type of itch mange. Sarcoptic mange, aka "Scabies," has zoonotic potential, which means it's the mite you can get from your pet! Mange in humans is called scabies and is easier to get rid of.

What medicine can kill mange?

yes and no. lice medicine is designed to kill paracites but mange is a side effect off paracites so it might kill the mange causing paracite but the symptoms of mange will still be there ie loss of fur rashness bleeding all that good stuff