

What cats have tufted ears?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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Q: What cats have tufted ears?
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Related questions

What is the kind of cat that has long hair on its ears?

Lynxes and servals have tufted ears.

What is a tufted-ear cat?

I'm pretty sure its a cat that has tufted ears. if you want an exact explanation search wikipeidia or go to petsmart.

Large birds of prey of the genus bubo with tufted ears?

eagle owl

What is a caracal sometimes called?

A caracal is sometimes called a lynx, however caracals occur in Africa and Asia and they are not related to the lynx family of cats, which occur in America and Europe. The association probably originated because the caracal has long tufted ears like the cats in the lynx family.

What is the gap of skin in cats ears?

The gap in cat's ears are formed to allow them to be more mobile. Most cats ears extend upwards, but cats may bend their ears down too.

What color are the caracal's ears?

Black. The most conspicuous feature of the caracal is elongated, tufted black ears, which also explain the origin of its name, karakulak, Turkish for "black ear".

Why do dogs and cats move their ears. How does the shape of their ear help them to hear sounds?

dogs and cats move their ears to hear from where the sound id comming.the ears of cats and dogs are out so when the sound waves hit the outside of the ears it rebounds back into the ears.

Do cats have ears?

Yes, they do.

What is the shape of cats ears?

A cat's ears are that of a triangle shape.

Info on a highland lynx cat?

According to "Highland Lynx cats were developed by crossing two existing breeds--Desert Lynx cats and Jungle Curls. The primary foundation breed for Highland Lynx is the Desert Lynx. Outcrosses to the Jungle Curls were made specifically to add the unique curled ears to the cats. Essentially, Highland Lynx are Desert Lynx with curled ears. They are strong, muscular cats which are medium in length with longer hind legs, and toes may be tufted. They are very alert, intelligent cats. Males are larger than females and slower to mature. These cats come in both long and short hair."

What does it mean when cats have yellow on their ears?

it means they are cats with yellow stuff on their ears.

How many ears do cats have?

Cats, like all other land mammals, have two ears.