

Best Answer

The USA does not hate Muslims. From her actions America is most generous to Muslims and to many Muslim nations. We pay billions in aid to Egypt. We sent aid to earthquake devastated Pakistan.

The USA does not hate Muslims. From the Muslims actions and beliefs, America is very generous to them. Its the Muslims. The Muslims hate Americans.

Look like it or not the average american hates muslims because of 9/11 and other attacks like this. And if some randomer latter states this to be false well that aint going to change the minds of the average american

American people don't hate Muslims. However, the American governmental policies are sometimes against Muslims and are in favor of Israel and US interests.

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15y ago

Why Do they Hate America ??

By: Tariq Colvin* -Tariq Colvin is a Computer Science Student at University of Michigan, Tariq is an American who converted to Islam more than 9 years ago.

A Message From An American Soldier's Mother A glimpse of the horror that took place Tuesday morning. A day of fear, loss, grief and anger. A tragedy for our entire community Muslim and non-Muslim.

We found ourselves trying to understand, to reason, to come to grips with sights and sounds coming in over the airwaves. But how could a disaster so immense, so unexpected, so grave - be understood ?!

Who could have committed such evil? What kind of soul could perpetrate such hatred?

As news came out it was clear. The blame would be placed squarely at the feat of America's Great Satan: Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden.

Calls for restraint and care were drowned out by the lust, though understandable, for revenge. The bearded, sweaty terrorists of every Americans worst nightmare were brought to the fore. It was simple, the enemy was one, the enemy was us (Muslims).

But whoever the perpetrator, whoever is ultimately responsible, we must ask ourselves, "Where in the human soul lay the source of such hatred?" "What could produce such utter desperation and disregard for life?" Without doubt. Tuesday's events didn't appear out of a vacuum. We can never justify or rationalize such a tragedy, but we must attempt to understand WHY !

Yesterday, I discussed this with a teacher. She also though that obscuring the lessons of this tragedy with labels and oversimplifications would only increase the loss.

The reality is that Tuesday's tragedy, a reprehensible crime against humanity, is an expressions of years of pent up frustration, despair, anger and resentment against the United States.

To call the attackers 'crazy', 'senseless', or 'mindless' is to miss the point. The attackers must have been anything but. To lost sight of the context out of which such hatred could flow is to only set the stage for greater tragedies.

If we allow ourselves the easy option of dehumanizing the attackers in our minds, as they must have dehumanized their victims before they ended their lives, then we aid and escalate the cycle of reciprocal violence and lead humanity to darkness beyond imagination.

Were the attackers really so much different than the average American? Retired General Norman Schwartzkopf seemed to think so.

In a recent televised interview he said, "In Iraq we went to great length to avoid civilian casualties .. but these bastards went after civilians. That's the difference between us and them."

But is this the truth, or is this what we'd like be believe about ourselves? In a mid-nineteen nineties interview, CBS Reporter Lesley Stahl questioned the then US Ambassador to the UN, Madeleine Albright, on the post-war sanctions against Iraq : "We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, That's more children that died in HIROSHIMA. And -and you know, is the price worth it?"

Albright's reply, "I think this is very hard choice, but the price - we think the price is worth it."

Stahl won both an Emmy and a Dupont-Columbia journalism award for this report, but Albright's comment went virtually unremarked in the U.S. ( Though it received considerable attention in the Middle East). Within six months, Madeleine Albright was unanimously approved by the Senate as U.S. Secretary of State.

Price? Price? A heavy and grave price indeed that lives of five hundred thousands innocent children each with dreams and hopes of their own. Aspirations for their young lives. Laughing and loving sweet things and comfort. Loving play and being naughty just like American children.

How could we (as Americans) allow ourselves to be silent while they died? Did we turn our eyes from their humanity and worth? Did we not indeed commit an unimaginable atrocity? Are we really any different than the perpetrator of tueasdays attack ?

They cried to their mothers for food and comfort. Mothers who could do nothing but tell them who had done this to them. Telling them who had been responsible for the pains in their stomachs.

What would you do if this was how your little one had died? What would you be capable of?

But America told the world that deformities the disease and death were 'Worth no price'. No, these children were raised not on milk, BUT ON THE BREAST OF BURNING HATE. Waiting to express itself in an unthinkable explosion of revenge and vindication.

But let there be no question in the minds of our neighbors, coworkers and friends - The Muslim community stands with you in condemnation of this offense against you. As we stand with the children of Iraq. As we stand with the dispossessed of Palestine. As we stand with all who have been wronged.

Many of us know all too well the taste of lives lost. Ones whom we loved. Ones for whom we cried tears. Ones whose joy and laughter we miss so dearly.

Robert Fisk, a well known reporter in the Independent wrote a report towards understanding this tragedy. He said :

" ... And yes, Osama bin Ladin comes to mind, his money, his theology, his frightening dedication to destroy American power. I have sat in front of bin Laden as he described how his men helped to destroy the Russian army in Afghanistan and thus the Soviet Union. Their boundless confidence allowed them to declare war on America. But this is not the war of democracy verses terror that the world will be asked to believe in the coming days. It is also about American missiles smashing into Palestinian homes and US helicopters firing missiles into a Lebanese ambulance in 1996 and American shells crashing in village called Qana and about a Lebanese militia paid and uniformed by America's Israeli ally hacking and raping and murdering their way through refugee camps ...

... And there will be, inevitably, and quite immorally, an attempt to obscure the historical wrongs and the injustices that lie behind yesterday's firestorms. We will be told about "mindless terrorism", the "mindless" bit being essential if we are not to realize how hated America has become in the land of the birth of three great religions.

Ask an Arab how he responds to 20,000 or 30,000 innocent deaths and he or she will respond as decent people should, that it is an unspeakable crime. But they will ask why we did not use such words about the sanction that have destroyed the lives perhaps half a million children in Iraq, why we did not rage about the seventeen thousands civilians killed in Israel's 1982 invasion of lebanon. And those basic reasons why the Middle East caught fire last September the Israeli occupation of Arab land, the dispossession of Palestinians, the bombardments and state-sponsored executions .. all these must be obscured lest they provide the smallest fractional reason for yesterday's mass savagery.

Eight years ago, I helped to make a television series that tried to explain why so many Muslims had come to hate the West. Last night, I remembered some of those Muslims in that film, their families burnt by American-made bombs and weapons. They talked about how no one would help them but God. Theology versus technology, the suicide bomber against the nuclear power. Now we have learnt what this means" * So what are the lessons to be learned from this great disaster? We must work towards greater mutual understanding. We must listen to each other. We must humanize one another, and this cannot be done at a distance. We cannot afford let bombs teach this moment.

Are we not all God's creatures? Do we not all have stomachs, feel cold, feel pain, and need comfort?

Do we not all deserve to be secure from harm and dispossession?

It is imperative that the Muslims join together as one, for it is through this joining that the Almighty and Wise shall make us strong. It's them imperative that we set our course unto spreading understanding and Mercy. And neutralizing enmity, hate and ignorance.

---- A Message From An American Soldier's Mother

We, the peoples of the world, have got the same goal. We're all longing to see the sun of peace shining bright and sending its light and warmth to grant us life, safety and happiness. Since we've all got the same aim, we have to unite… Unity is strength.

I've written this poem, an Arab-American work, with the help of Jeri L. Reed, mother of Cody - an American soldier in Iraq. This poem expresses her ideas, thoughts and feelings.

A Message From

An American Soldier's Mother

Oh Iraqi people! May God be with you!

An American soldier's mother, but I'm a human too…

Against injustice, against blood, against fight!

Waiting for the sun of peace to send its light.

When they mentioned war, I was filled with fear…

And I thought; "How could they do this with my dear?!

How could they force him to participate

In creating for Iraq this bad fate?!"

At first, I thought that the Congressmen

Would prevent Bush from committing this sin.

However, no one muted the war song,

Though everyone believed that this is wrong!

Iraqi people have suffered enough

Under dictatorship their life was rough

And now, they are living in more pain

Trying to stop the invasion train

Whom are you killing? The old people and the kids?!

What are you destroying? The hospital beds?!

What did the people do to deserve that?

The whole world is against the combat!

My son and his fellows don't understand

Why they are occupying a guiltless land

They wish they could come back…

They never wanted to launch this attack.

Bring back my son!

Bring him home soon…

Bring back my sun…

Bring back my moon…

Yes, I'm afraid of the death train

But shame and guilt are my main concern

These feelings have ruined my son's life

These feelings hurt like a striking knife.

An American woman … AGAINST WAR!

Peace is my aim that I'll always struggle for!

An American soldier's mother, but I'm human too…

Oh Iraqi people! May God be with you!

Thoughts, by: Jeri L. Reed, USA

Poetry by: Mai Hamdy Ali Desouki, Egypt

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11y ago

Answer 1

It's not that Muslims are mad at the US, there are just certain people that Muslims don't like very much. Those people appear to not like Muslims as well. A good example is President George W. Bush who rushed into the Iraq War and is responsible for over a million Iraqi deaths, most of whom were innocent.

A lot of non-Muslims think that Muslims are not very nice people, but that isn't actually true. You hear peacemakers always say the same old line "everyone is equal, everyone is the same" In this case they don't repeat the adage, because everyone has a certain veiw about Muslims and keep that same veiw with them forever.

Certain non-Muslim politicians have provoked Muslims or Islamic countries by always blaming terror attacks on them. Non-Muslims are just as capable of violence such as the terrorist attack in Norway and the Oklahoma City bombing. Of course, I'm not saying that Muslims are the best and they are always right. I am just saying we gotta give them a chance, because most of them are actually really decent people.

Answer 2

Quite simply, many people across different countries don't like their lives being dictated by an American foreign policy that empowers many dictators and oppressive regimes when American domestic policy is so bad. They ask who are you to be giving us these orders?

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11y ago

Answer 1

It is a very strange question. The Americans invaded Iraq and killed Millions of Muslims. Didn't they?

The Americans attacked Afghanistan, bombarded the cities and killed Millions of Muslims. They are still occupying that land. They attacked Libya and killed many Muslims.

Still you say that the Muslims are fighting the Americans? Height of Innocence or Ignorance!

Answer 2

The question is confusing. Who are "the Muslims" that they should be treated as a block? Certainly there are groups of Islamist Terrorists who profess that they are Muslims who violently attacked and continue to attempt to attack America. They do this because they believe that America has adversely affected the growth and development of Islamic Civilization. However, the majority of Muslims have no ill-will towards the American people and openly desire a liberal democracy like America has (although more religious).

Answer 3

there are many sects of Muslims. please do not judge all of them by behaviors of one of them specially wahhabi.

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13y ago

Radical Muslims want the US to stop influencing the countries that they consider Islamic. The United States trades with many of the Muslim nations, and this exchange of goods and ideas is thought to have a negative (Western) effect on the governments and societies of these countries. Since these countries are ruled by impenetrable monarchies/theocracies/plutocracies, the common man has no way to influence his government. This leads to social discord, and eventual terrorism at home and abroad. If these radical Muslims had some say in the affairs of state at home, or some recourse to alleviate what they view as social ills, then they might pursue political action instead of violence.

But, since they have no say in government, since they can not harm their own leaders, and since they view the United States as one cause of their problems, they attack American citizens and interests in their country and abroad.

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10y ago

The antagonism between Muslim-majority countries and US foreign policy comes from three major sources:

(1) Attempts by the United States to Guide Politics in Muslim-majority countries: In several cases the United States has directly tried to install puppets or lead coups d'état in Muslim-majority countries. The clearest case is in Iran, where the CIA supported a coup against President Mossadegh to re-install the autocratic Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi who was more in-line with US interests. In less direct means, the United States sought to control Iraq in the 1980s by supporting Saddam's weapons needs against Iran and uses its Camp David Accords funds to Egypt to direct the Egyptian Military Policy.

(2) Violence Perpetrated in Muslim-majority Countries:Currently, the United States has thousands of soldiers in Afghanistan and autonomous drones over Pakistan. These military forces are responsible for taking out both US Military targets but also killing civilians they encounter. It was also only recently that the US pulled out of Iraq. Additionally, there are large numbers of US soldiers throughout the Islamic World, from bases in Morocco to bases in Indonesia.

(3) Support of Countries that Oppose Muslims' Interests:The United States directly supports Israel, Armenia, Ethiopia, India, Thailand, and several other countries that actively oppose policies or desires put forward by Muslim-majority country leaders. This is not to say that the US does not also support the Islamic World, but the fact that the United States does anything counter to their interests offends them.


In addition to the above that I fully agree with:

  • The US policy is to support the Radical Muslims (in particular the Muslims Brotherhood) and other terrorists; as happening now in the so called Arab Spring in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen) to be in power to create overwhelming instabilities in their countries that allow the west to interfere and impose the reshaping of these countries into smaller entities (based on races and faiths) that could be easily controlled.
  • The Us policy in Muslim majority countries don't support human rights and democracy in these countries as claimed but only supports the Us interests in the country resources (especially oil) and supports Israel interests. Otherwise, could one explain how the US policy supports the radical Muslim Brotherhood International System although this system is against human rights of minorities and is against democracy.
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13y ago

The question should clarify what do you mean by 'us'. Do you mean American, Christians, Jews, Europeans, white people, non Muslims, ...

However, regardless what you mean by 'us', Muslims are taught in their religion not to hate any body. Quran, Muslims holy book, says that no one is better than another with his color, gender, faith, or culture but only with piety. No racism and race discrimination in Islam. Muslims are required to be kind, peaceful,and cooperative with all people irrelevant to their colors or religions.

Refer to related questions below for more information.

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8y ago

First, it is unclear who "us" is. I am operating from the presumption that "us" refers to the United States.

Second, we should make clear that there are a vast number of Muslims who either like the United States and what it stands for or are completely apathetic on the matter. This answer will deal exclusively with those Muslims who hate the United States.

Third, contrary to President George W. Bush's announcement "They hate us for our freedom", this is certainly NOT the reason for Muslim Anti-American sentiment.

Any person who has been to any Muslim-majority country can tell you exactly why Americans are disliked in the there. The US foreign policy is very problematic in a lot of places. These acts cause resentment. There are some places in the world that would stop hating the USA if the policy were reversed and there are others for whom the damage is already done and the USA would be unable to recover. Most Muslim-majority countries fall in the latter category. Major grievances against the USA include:

Support for Certain Countries: There are two parts to this. Firstly, the United States helps to prop of states that other countries vehemently oppose. Some such countries include: Israel, Taiwan, South Korea, East Timor, Turkey, Georgia, etc. Arab hatred of Israel, Chinese hatred of Taiwan, North Korean hatred of South Korea, Armenian hatred of Turkey, and Russian hatred of Georgia, lead to the citizens of those countries disliking American policy. Of course, this is not to say that the American action is illegitimate or incorrect, but the USA has chosen a side and naturally the opposition will feel anger.

Secondly, the United States has supported numerous brutal dictators in various countries, especially in Latin America, like Pinochet (Chile), Noriega (Panama), Batista (Cuba), the Samozas (Nicaragua). About Samoza, FDR famously said, "Somoza may be a son of a b****, but he's our son of a b****." However, the citizens of those countries were less than pleased that mass-murderers were in power over them with the guarantee of US protection, effectively preventing the viability of any resistance. In the Middle East, the United States supported Hosni Mubarak and Mohammed Morsi, two individuals who have consistently attacked and demonized the citizens of Egypt. The USA also supported the Christian Falangists in Lebanon, the Turkish government in Ankara, gives aid to Saudi Arabia, and provides military protection for Kuwait.

CIA Activities and Coups d'Etat: The United States did not just protect governments that were sadistic to their own citizens. In several instances, they helped install them as well. In the case of Pinochet in Chile (in 1974) and the Shah of Iran (in 1953), the CIA actively caused revolts in the country, toppling legitimate governments to put violent dictators in power (Allende in Chile and Mossadegh in Iran). The idea that the USA can replace leaders around the world with impunity is very angering to many individuals.

Cold War Activities: During the Cold War, the United States engaged in numerous proxy wars with the Soviets with many third-world countries as the battlegrounds. Angola was in civil war from 1975-1992 because of the US-Soviet proxy war. The Arab-Israeli Conflict was similarly based as was the Korean War, the Velvet Revolution in Hungary, the Cuban Revolution and the Cuban Missile Crisis, and of course the Vietnam War and the Afghanistan War of 1979-1989. These proxy wars resulted in millions of dead civilians around the world.

Military Bases All Over the World: The United States maintains military bases in over 100 different countries. If this is not a projection of military might, there is nothing that would be.

Unilateralism: The United States consistently avoids working within the bounds of the international community. The USA typically only negotiates with other countries when it suits them. They are more than willing to "go it alone" when everyone disagrees with them. The clearest example of this was the Invasion of Iraq. When US Secretary of State Colin Powell presented the cause to go to war to the United Nations, the other nations refused to go along with the United States. Therefore, instead of backing down and clarifying their research, the Americans invaded Iraq. Callously disregarding someone else's view will certainly anger them.

Aloofness: Many American citizens know almost nothing about other countries and have no desire to learn. They believe that their culture and way of life are so clearly superior to everyone else's that everyone should just aspire to be American. This sentiment is not well-received abroad.

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8y ago

Not all Muslims hate Americans. Only the extremists ones and the terrorists one.

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14y ago

Some Muslims dislike it, some don't. Those who dislike it probably do so as a result of different political opinions.

However, many Muslims live in America and call it home.

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