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there should never be air around your heart. Air should be contained in the lungs. IF you have air in the chest cavity that is outside the lung, you have a pneumothorax and need to see a dr immediately!

The causes of a pneumothorax (air around the heart or lungs) is typically from trauma, such as a puncture wound (knife especially) or gunshot.

If you have a pneumothorax or a pneumo-mediasteinum, you may find itr difficult to breath and that you heart rate may increase due to the increased pressure on both your heart and lungs.

Air can be removed using a special syringe, allowing the lungs to expand normally and reducing the pressure on the heart.

If you have these symptoms you should go to the emergency room immediately

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Air in the inner body cavities is not dangerous on its own; if there was a path from taht region to the outer atmosphere then the lungs are more at risk. The heart is only to be worried about if the air is inside it.

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