

What causes bullying?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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10y ago

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Someone who is bullying is (believe it or not) being bullied themselves. Maybe behind doors or at home. They also may have been neglected and feel bullying is their way of getting that attention they want.Research has shown that many children who bully are themselves bullied at home, either by siblings or by their parents.
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14y ago
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10y ago

There are basically two types of bullying -- psychological and physical. Psychological bullying is where the bully may tease, insult and just be verbally mean to the victim. Physical bullying is hurting them on the outside, by kicking even hitting, so it is pretty much just violence.

Anyway, bullying can be caused by a lot of reasons, including these:

1. Jealousy. Perhaps the bully is jealous because somebody else is prettier or more popular.

2. Maybe the bullies had been victims of other bullies or been abused by their parents, siblings or outside family member[s]. Research tends to support this.

3. Maybe they grew up thinking from infancy that bullying is okay and don't know what they are doing is wrong.

4. Maybe they want to impress someone or be the center of attention.

5. Maybe they have mental illness or anger issues that they can't control.

6. Maybe the victim of the bully had been mean to the bully before he/she started bullying that person.

7. Maybe they just like to be mean. Some people enjoy watching others suffer.

PLEASE remember if someone insults you or lies about you, ALWAYS know it is never true, be happy about who you are, and remember not to bully.

Some people enjoy seeing others get upset, because it makes them feel big.

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8y ago

Look,you are most likely looking for an exact answer. But honesty theres not one. People usually do it so it makes them look cool or funny.If you want it to stop maybe try telling them how you feel, this one worked for me just say "Maybe you should focus on your flaws before you point out others". Now if that doesn't work i hate to say it but you're just going to have to explain to an older person and get the bully to stop..... i hope i could be a help in some way and good luck.

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15y ago

Cyberbullying has several causes.

Like every other type of bullying, the bullier is usually an individual who puts others down in order to build him or her self up. Cyberbullying simply utilizes a new form of communication.

Thus, besides the normal factors of low self-esteem, difficulties growing up, and problems in family dynamics, cyber bullying is also caused by (often unrestricted and unsupervised) access to this new medium of communication.

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14y ago

well people will just start making fun of people calling them names because of their pesonal feelings about someone or something. they might see something on the internet that they feel they should make fun of. it really depends on the people their are mean and nice people. someone you might be talking to on the internet might want to start something or they act like their tough so they feel like they can freak you out a little. but just be careful about what you say on the internet.

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12y ago

Will same people can not take it that they kill themselfs. And other they get home school that is bad to because you can learn a lot better with other students.

Or runaway from school or the city or state. And also they drop out and that dose nto look good on your job work. It can walk with you for the rise of your life that you did not finsh school. Or they skip which you mate as while drop out.



Well personally i think bullying isn't right and that the kdis who are bullied most of them do kill them selves.


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12y ago

There really isn't a cause its more of a Action. Bullying can start out by

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13y ago

there minds and pasts are the answer

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It's hurtful and sometimes causes people to commit suicide.

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Most of the time kids who are differenmt are picked on. There is nothing wrong with being different. The bullies are usually just insecure about themselves and pick on others to feel better about themselves.