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There are several potential reasons why gums may turn brown. It's important to note that I can't provide a definitive diagnosis, and it's best to consult with a dentist or healthcare professional for an accurate evaluation. However, here are some possible causes:

Smoking: Tobacco use, including smoking cigarettes or using other tobacco products, can cause staining and discoloration of the gums, leading to a brownish appearance.

Poor oral hygiene: Inadequate oral hygiene practices, such as infrequent or improper brushing and flossing, can contribute to plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth and gums. Over time, this buildup can cause the gums to appear brown or discolored.

Medications: Some medications, such as certain antimalarial drugs, can cause pigmentation changes in the gums, resulting in a brownish hue.

Melanin pigmentation: Melanin is a natural pigment responsible for the color of our skin, hair, and eyes. Some individuals naturally have higher melanin levels in their gums, leading to brownish or dark gums.

Gum disease: Advanced gum disease, such as periodontitis, can cause the gums to recede, exposing the root surfaces of the teeth. These root surfaces may appear brownish due to exposure and possible staining.

Systemic conditions: Certain systemic conditions, such as Addison's disease or certain hormonal imbalances, can cause changes in skin and gum pigmentation.

It's important to visit a dental professional for a proper evaluation if you notice any changes in the color of your gums. They can assess your specific situation, take a detailed medical history, and perform any necessary tests to determine the underlying cause. Treatment options will depend on the specific diagnosis and may include improved oral hygiene practices, professional cleaning, medication adjustments, or other appropriate interventions.

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13y ago

Brown gums are a result of an imbalance of melanin, carotene and/or hemoglobin. You can treat it with laser procedures or a painless removal procedure where a layer is removed under anethesia.

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13y ago

Brown gums are a result of an imbalance of melanin, carotene and/or hemoglobin. You can treat it with laser procedures or a painless removal procedure where a layer is removed under anethesia.

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7y ago

The tooth has brown or grey hue when the tooth is necrotic, which means the nerve is somewhat damaged and dead. If there's no sign of infection, you can watch it. If there's any swelling in the gum or x-ray shows periapical infection, you will need root canal treatment to treat the infection.

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9y ago

Gums could be turning brown during age in certain ethnic groups. Another reason is that the gums become discolored because there may be a tooth that is infected.

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14y ago

You have to go to a doctor to check it out or it cold get worse


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13y ago

tht u got nasty stains on yo teeth! XP

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