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My first thought would be salt intoxication due to dehydration, although other causes such as intoxication or meningitis should also be considered. You should take your dog to a veterinarian for an examination, as this could be serious.

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that means their dehydrated.

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Q: What causes dark urine and head shaking in dogs?
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How can you tell if a cat urinated or a dog urinated?

Cats urine glows in the dark,and dogs urine doesn't.

How do you get the dog to drink more water to keep urine from getting orange?

Your dogs urine should not be orange, dark clear yellow maybe? Best to go to the vet, really dark urine with a pungent odor can be a urinary tract infection, you can add water to the food, but urine should not be orange.

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They need a bath or have excessive urine leaking,or if its a nail polish smell they may have diabetes

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Keep them warm and give them alot of water.

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What is a addonhal?

a dogs urine sperm cell

What causes brown urine in a dog?

It means you dog or puppy had a bacteria is the urine system. You need to take your dog to the vet emitted to ensure your dog will be safe. It is a deadly dieses in your dogs urine

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Female dogs give out a scent when they are in heed. Heed is when a female is in a position were that is the only time they can mate. So they have a scent that the Male dogs can smell that scent. Also it is in their Urine.

Can you get bladder infection off dogs urine?

yes you can

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shaking the head, paws to ears, bad smell in ears

Why do dogs hide their urine?

dogs do this because they want to cover their sent to claim the territory as their own.

Is female dog urine more fertile then male dogs?

Urine plays NO part in dog mating.