

What happens to cause day and night?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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14y ago

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The rotation of the Earth on its axis.

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Q: What happens to cause day and night?
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Gravity does not cause the day and the night.

What happens to the day and night on an equinox?

day and night are same

What happens to your pupil during the day and night?

well,in the day it is smaller,and,in the night,it is bigger

What happens in the night and day in the desert?

in the day it gots very hot but in night it is freezing cold

What happens if there is no day?

Then there's only night.

What are the superstitious beliefs about the day and night?

it is because the cause cause of this cause is cause

Day and night are cause by?

the rotation of Earth on its axis.

Was the movement cause day and night?


What cause on day and night?

the same thing that causes day and night on every other planet - it rotates.

How are day and night different on earth and the moon?

they different because they change the hours of the day and they know when is night and day cause they change it .

Does it cause night and day for the earth to rotate on its axis?

Yes, if you are facing the sun it is day, but when the earth rotates it will be night.

What happens when the sun has risen and then sets?

First you get day, then you get night.