

What causes earthquakes and tsunamis?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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What causes earth quakes is the plates under earth move or collide with each other and shake the earth.

Tsunamis can be caused also by earthquakes, especially those centered on the ocean floor. But they can also be caused by landslides and other natural events near the oceans. See the related questions below.

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What causes most tsunamis earthquakes a full moon a hurricane or a flood?

Of these things, earthquakes are the only ones that can cause tsunamis.

Can hurricanes and earthquakes happen underwater?

hurricanes no, earthquakes yes. thats what causes Tsunamis... underwater earthquakes.

What causes tsnamis?

earthquakes are the most things that cause a tsunamis

Which natural disaster is caused by undersea earthquakes?

Normally undersea earthquakes causes giant waves, known as TSUNAMIS.

Why do tsunami's hit Japan?

This is because earthquakes and tremors are common in Japan. That triggers tsunamis to occur

What are the three major causes of tsunamis?

Tsunamis are caused by the sudden movement in water by tectonic plates. Tsunamis are a result of Earthquakes.

Do tsunamis cause earthquakes?

Earthquakes are one (but not the only) cause of tsunamis.

Are earthquakes related to tsunamis?

Yes. Most tsunamis are triggered by earthquakes.

Are earthquakes below the surface called tsunamis?

Mo, they are known as earthquakes but the earthquakes cause the tsunamis.

Are earthquakes related to landslides or tsunamis?

Earthquakes can trigger both landslides and tsunamis.

Is there earthquakes in the ocean?

Oh, yes. That's one of the biggest causes of Tsunamis, or Tiday Waves.

Why is Pacific Ocean ideal of Tsunamis?

The pacific plate slides across the North American plate for example, which causes tsunamis to form do to underwater earthquakes