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Fatty Foods. To reduce the enlarging of your gall bladder you can change your diet as well as speak with your doctor about different kinds of medication.

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Q: What causes enlarged gallbladder and what can you do about it?
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What is the name for large gallbladder?

Cholecystitis is the medical term used to describe an enlarged gallbladder. This will cause pain and you will most likely have to have it removed.

What causes the gallbladder of a horse to burst?

Horses don't have a gallbladder.

Is an enlarged gallbladder bad?

It could be indicative of a problem, and the gallbladder might need to be removed, but of course you should consult with a doctor to determine the best course of action.

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Chronic cholecystitis is one cause of a small gallbladder.

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When you eat a lot of birds and stones.

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There may be many causes of an enlarged left atrium to include mitral stenosis, mitral regurgitation and left ventricle failure. Other causes are ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus.

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The most common cause of an enlarged ileum is Crohn's disease. There are however other conditions that can cause an enlarged ileum.

Can a enlarged prostate cause difficulty using the bathroom?

Enlarged prostate causes annoying trips to the bathroom due to leaking, or dribbling.