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Blinking several times will give quick lubrication. Rubbing hands together will warm up and placing them over your eyes for few seconds gives good relief. Using artificial tears when your eyes feeling dry. Place slices of cucumber or wet towel over your eyes for about five minutes can give soothing effect. Close your eyes and relax for a moment.

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that you eat too much so u get really fat and hydrated and then ur head pushed ur eyes out of the sockets, that's why they say "never buy things that are TOO expensive".

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Q: What causes eye pain when using the computer?
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Eye pain can be a symptom of allergies. Other causes of eye pain are sinusitis, scratches on the eye, or an infection.

Is eye pain from excessive computer usage harmful on a long term scale?

Extensive computer use can be damaging to your eyes. Especially is you are experience eye pain, then it is likely you are straining your eye. Many optometrists offer specialized glasses for prolonged computer use.

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Infection of the tissues surrounding the eye causes redness, swollen eyelids, severe pain, and causes the eye to bulge out

How does using a computer cause poor eyesight?

Eye strain causes poor vision. Strain is caused by the radiation coming out of the computer screen. So yes, it's likely to ruin your eyesight.

What causes pain in left eye?

There are a variety of different reasons why you are getting pain in your eye. The causes of eye pain fall into two parts: Ocular pain and Obital Pain. Ocular pain is pain on the outer structures on the surface of the eye. The most common eyes problems in this part is conjunctivitis which can be allergic, bacterial, chemical, pinkeye, or a viral inflammation. Now on the other hand it could be Orbital pain. Orbital pain is a dull ache behind the eye. This is usually caused from a disease of the eye. Some reasons could be from migraines, glaucoma, Iritis, Sinititis, and optic neurtis. I would recommend making an appointment with the eye doc. to make sure it isn't just something simple. I Hope this helps =]

How do you cure a eye pain?

The 2 most effective ways to cure eye pain include using eye drops and placing ice over the eyes. Most eye pain is caused from dry eyes so be sure to keep your eyes moist.

What causes pain behind the eyes?

Well my pain was right above my eyes and in my eye sockets and I saw an eye doctor. He told me I have Isophoria (not sure how to spell it) and I need to wear glasses when I read, get on the computer or watch TV. It helps some but i take ibuprofen every other day or so.

If Axe deodorant is sprayed in eye what is proper treatment?

If it causes severe pain I would call the poison control center...

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Repost and tell us the 'right side' of what. Head, knee, eye, foot, etc.

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get eye drops (for red eye it says it right on the bottle)

What causes recurring ice-pick pain in eye?

I believe it's related to medication. because I have taken cozarr and the generic losarton. they say 1 in a 1000 gets this side effect. but there's no proof losarton just states sever eye pain. they don't call it ice pick pain.

What is called the eye of the computer?

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