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Lava cools as anything else does; it loses heat to cooler surroundings. As it cools its atoms and ions slow down and are eventually locked in place by bonds with neighboring atoms an ions. The lava is essentially freezing.

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7y ago
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11y ago

Yes. Lava cools and hardens into rock.

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15y ago


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11y ago

It hardens into volcanic rock. The kind of rock depends on the kind of lava.

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14y ago

Lava is melted stone. When it cools, it solidifies.

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11y ago

the things that makes rock harden is air because when your hair is wet, you could dry it up quickly with air, dumb guy you should know this!!!

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Why is lava and magma not a rock?

Lava and magma are not rocks because they are liquids and cant harden because they are to hot to harden and cant cool themselves down long enough to form a hard structure. Magma and lava is rock - it's just been superheated by the Earth's core.

What rock is formed when magma and lava cool and harden?

Igneous Rock.

Where does lava harden?

It hardens when it starts to cool off at the bottom of the mountain/volcano.

What happens to magma and lava once they cool and harden?

It becomes igneous rocks>

What makes a new crust layer?

Volcanic activity in which lava and magma cool and harden into rock and stone.

What is the difference between lava and water?

that lava is a hot sup stance and water is a cool substance

Layers of thin runny lava that flow over a wide area before they cool and harden can build up what?

Lava Plateaus

Why does lava take a long time to cool down?

Lava cools slowly because lava is a poor conductor of heat. Lava flows slow down and thicken as they harden.

How do volcanoes impact the earth's surface?

They can form islands: when hot lava reaches the ocean, it will harden and form an island.

What do volcanoes have to do with rocks?

volcanoes are a rock formation that's what the have to do with rocks and when the hot magma (lava) gets hit with cold water the magma (lava) starts to harden there fore creating a lava rock

How do you heat treat or harden a metal chisel?

Heat the metal red hot. To harden the metal, cool it quickly by dunking it into cold water. To get a soft metal, let it cool slowly.

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