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Varies. Could be a sprain along you sciatic nerve.

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Q: What causes lower back pain which affects the left buttocks?
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What are sciatic nerve symptoms in English?

This disorder causes numbing of the buttocks and lower back, tingly feeling of lower back, pain running down legs, and even radiates to hip pain. This may limit your ability to do easy everyday task such as walk.

What are the most frequent back pain lower right side causes?

Back pain lower right side causes are: Lower back and kidney disorders.

Where can pain from an irritated sciatic nerve be felt?

Sciatica is felt in the lower back, the buttocks, and the backs of the upper legs.

What is another name for a tramp stamp?

Lower back tattoo or buttocks. horns, bulls eye, spalt target

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Lordosis is an abnormal curvature of the lumbar spine. It causes people to appear as if they were arching their lower back and sticking their buttocks out. Usually there are no physical symptoms of lordosis, although occasionally there may be some back pain if the lordosis is especially severe.

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What is the name of the muscle that you use to sit in a chair?

You sit on your gluteus maximus. It is the part of your lower back sometimes referred to as your buttocks or posterior.

What is a small lump on the lower right side of the lower back right above the buttocks?

It could be anything, but the first thing that comes to mind is a tumor. You should get to a doctor and have it checked out.

What are 2 lumps on the sides of lower back sometimes tender to the touch that radiate intense pain into lower back buttocks The lumps are not fixed size and when the lumps flare up the pain is worse?

to store food and water

What are the most sensitive points of a Capricorn woman?

The lower back, along the buttocks, back of the thighs and behind the knees. They are the ruler of joints. The back of knees usually does or kissing on the back of her thighs. Good luck!

i have transient pain which seems to be inside my body between my pelvis and my lower back. I can palpitate a sore area just above my buttocks and I have pain which radiates down my legs at times.?

“i have transient pain which seems to be inside my body between my pelvis and my lower back. I can palpitate a sore area just above my buttocks and I have pain which radiates down my legs at times.”

Low back pain is often accompanied by what other condition?

Low back pain is often accompanied by sciatica, which is pain that involves the sciatic nerve and is felt in the lower back, the buttocks, and the backs of the thighs.