

What causes oxides of Nitrogen?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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High temperature combustion.

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Q: What causes oxides of Nitrogen?
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What are sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides?

They are air polluting gases and main causes of acid rain

What is the formation of oxides of nitrogen and eventually nitrates as nitrogen fixing?

Reactions for the formation of oxides of nitrogen and nitrates as nitrogen fixing

What effect does lightning have on atmospheric nitrogen?

Lightning causes N2 to form oxides. NO2, NO3 is made in this process.

What gases react to make nitrogen oxides?

Nitrogen and oxygen.

What causes high nitrogen oxides in a 1995 jeep Cherokee?

nox is from exhaust temps too high or a cat. convertor breakdown.

What is the term for damaging precipitation caused by oxides of sulfur and nitrogen?

Acid rain is the term for damaging preciptation caused by oxides of sulfur and nitrogen.

Why is acid rain bad for the earth?

It causes degradation and damage to property. Acid rain is formed by the oxides of nitrogen and sulfur which are quite harmful. This also causes the discoloration of marbles.

What are the 2 main unn atural causes of acid rain?

Sulfer dioxide and nitrogen oxides are realseased into the air, causing acid rain

What is NO means in emission test?

Nitrogen oxides

What element forms a gaseous oxide?

Nitrogen forms gaseous oxides. NO,NO2,N2O,N2O3 are few examples.

Acidic nature of oxides of nitrogen is directly proportional to?

Oxidation state of nitrogen.

How do automobiles produce nitrogen oxides?

During combustion, atmospheric nitrogen is oxidised.