

What causes rainbows to bend?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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Each droplet of rain is actually a sphere that refracts white light from the sun into all the different colors of the spectrum. Each visible color comes off at a different angle from each drop in the shape of a cone.

The droplets directly in front of you are throwing cones of color all around you and you can't see them. As you reach a certain angle away from you, you catch the small part of each cone from millions of spheres and it the colors appear to form a circle.

In a plane you can see rainbows in full circles. On the ground you lose half to the horizon.

Also, this is why you can't find the gold at the end of the rainbow. Because it always depends on your position relative to the sun and the rain, it will always move as you move or disappear.

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