

What causes small red spots like moles on your skin?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What causes small red spots like moles on your skin?
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What do dark spots on your head mean?

Dark spots on the scalp or head can have various causes, and their significance may vary depending on the individual's age, skin type, and overall health. While I can provide you with some common reasons for dark spots on the head, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional or dermatologist for a proper evaluation and diagnosis. Here are some potential causes: Hyperpigmentation: Dark spots on the scalp may be a result of hyperpigmentation, which occurs when melanin production increases in certain areas of the skin. This can be triggered by sun exposure, inflammation, or injury. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation can cause dark spots to develop after injuries or conditions like acne. Age Spots: As people age, they may develop age spots (also known as liver spots) on their skin. These are generally harmless and can appear on the scalp as well. Freckles: Freckles can occur on the scalp and are often more noticeable in individuals with fair skin. These are generally benign and related to genetics and sun exposure. Seborrheic Keratosis: These are non-cancerous skin growths that can appear as dark, raised spots on the scalp. They are more common in older individuals and are generally harmless. Melanoma: While less common, melanoma, a type of skin cancer, can occur on the scalp. Melanomas often present as irregularly shaped, dark moles that may change in size, shape, or color. Any suspicious or changing moles should be examined by a dermatologist promptly. Skin Tags: Skin tags are benign growths that can appear as small, dark or flesh-colored bumps on the scalp. They are generally harmless but can be removed if they become bothersome. Fungal Infections: Certain fungal infections, like tinea capitis (scalp ringworm), can cause dark patches or scaling on the scalp. These infections require medical treatment. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, like diabetes or hormonal imbalances, can contribute to skin changes, including the development of dark spots. Treating the underlying condition may help improve the skin's appearance. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes, such as those during pregnancy or menopause, can lead to skin changes, including dark spots. These spots are often temporary and may fade over time. Trauma or Scarring: Injuries to the scalp or surgical scars may result in dark spots during the healing process. Over time, some of these spots may lighten. Moles (Nevi): Moles are common on the scalp and can be brown or black. While most moles are benign, any changes in size, shape, or color should be evaluated by a dermatologist. To determine the cause of dark spots on the head and whether they require treatment, it's essential to consult a healthcare provider or dermatologist. They may recommend various treatments, such as topical medications, laser therapy, cryotherapy, or excision, depending on the underlying cause and the nature of the spots. Early detection and proper diagnosis are crucial, especially when there is concern about skin cancer or other serious conditions.